Feb 06, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

General Education


When you are in college, it can be difficult to see the value of taking classes in disciplines other than your program of study. The purpose of general education requirements is to ensure that every Chemeketa graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, being a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. These requirements provide for breadth across the humanities and arts, social studies, and natural sciences; competence in communication and critical thinking; analytical skills to enhance and promote problem solving; and investigation of the issues raised by living in a culturally diverse society. Your Chemeketa educational experience includes a core of intellectual and practical skills, basic knowledge of human cultures and the physical world (and, importantly, the strategies used to understand these topics), and tools intended to contribute to a sense of personal and social responsibility. The work you do in your program and to complete your degree also helps you to learn what you need to know not just for making a living, but also for making a life.

Chemeketa Community College General Education Outcomes

Outcomes in general education communicate the knowledge, skills and abilities required to equip students to make responsible contributions to society. These outcomes were approved by the Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee on April 12, 2024 and approved by the Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs on April 29, 2024. 


Students are curious about the world and their role in it. They actively seek out opportunities for discovery and growth by exploring the ideas of others, trying new things, and asking meaningful questions.


Students apply ingenuity and imagination to what they learn and experience. They work with others to make connections between different subjects, test new approaches, find original solutions, and express their ideas creatively.

Critical Thinking

Students carefully and objectively examine the information they encounter and the world around them. They challenge assumptions, evaluate the credibility of sources, and reflect on their own understanding. They develop problem-solving skills and habits of thinking that reduce bias, using logic and data to form well-reasoned conclusions.


Students clearly and effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas in ways that match the needs of different audiences and situations. They listen actively and read carefully with the intent to understand others. They develop the ability to hold thoughtful discussions that welcome an open exchange of ideas.


Building on their unique backgrounds and strengths, students gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their careers, education and everyday lives. They manage their time, prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and prepare for future opportunities. They learn and grow from challenges and feedback, developing the ability to work effectively with others, solve problems and apply what they’ve learned to real-life situations.


Students develop concern for themselves, for others, and their surroundings, recognizing the importance of well-being in their lives and communities. They show empathy and compassion toward all people and consider the potential impacts of their words and actions. They strive to make a meaningful difference in the world through responsible choices and civic engagement.

State of Oregon General Education Outcomes

Outcomes and criteria were adopted throughout Oregon colleges and universities to guide the purposes and types of courses that comprise general education. Chemeketa endorses these outcomes and seeks to ensure that through regular and systematic assessment, students who complete their program of study are academically prepared for their next educational experience. Most general education courses are transferable to any of Oregon’s public colleges and universities.

As a result of taking general education courses, a student should be able to:

In Arts and Letters

  • Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life; and
  • Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.

In Mathematics

  • Use appropriate mathematics to solve problems; and
  • Recognize which mathematical concepts are applicable to a scenario, apply appropriate mathematics and technology in its analysis, and then accurately interpret, validate and communicate the results.

In Science or Computer Science

  • Gather, comprehend and communicate scientific and technical information in order to explore ideas, models and solutions and generate further questions;
  • Apply scientific and technical modes of inquiry, individually and collaboratively, to critically evaluate existing or alternative explanations, solve problems and make evidence-based decisions in an ethical manner; and
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of scientific studies and critically examine the influence of scientific and technical knowledge on human society and the environment.

In Social Science

  • Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behavior; and
  • Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live.

In Speech/Oral Communication

  • Engage in ethical communication processes that accomplish goals;
  • Respond to the needs of diverse audiences and contexts; and
  • Build and manage relationships.

In Writing

  • Read actively, think critically and write purposefully and capably for academic and, in some cases, professional audiences;
  • Locate, evaluate and ethically utilize information to communicate effectively; and
  • Demonstrate appropriate reasoning in response to complex issues.

In Cultural Literacy

(included in courses that meet the outcomes of Discipline Studies)

  • Identify and analyze complex practices, values and beliefs and the culturally and historically defined meanings of difference.

In Information Literacy

(included in Writing Foundational requirements)

  • Formulate a problem statement;
  • Determine the nature and extent of the information needed to address the problem;
  • Access relevant information effectively and efficiently;
  • Evaluate information and its source critically; and
  • Understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information. 

Cultural Literacy

At Chemeketa, the goal of Difference, Power, and Responsibility (also called cultural literacy) courses is to provide a framework within which you can develop an awareness of issues of difference and power in order to participate responsibly within a democratic society. You will find that course content related to cultural literacy is a part of many courses, but is primarily embedded in the arts and letters and social sciences. You will need to take one DPR-designated/cultural literacy course to fulfill the requirements of the AAOT degree. See Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) Degree Requirements  for identified cultural literacy requirements in the AAOT degree.

Information Literacy

Information literacy content is embedded in the college writing courses required for the AAOT degree. As a result of taking WR 121Z WR 122Z  and/or WR 227Z , you will gain the ability to determine the type of information needed to address a problem, access relevant information efficiently, evaluate its source critically and use the needed information effectively. See Course Descriptions  for descriptions of the writing courses.