Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
FRP 262 Fire Incident Related Experience 5 Lab Hours: 9 Credits: 3
Introduces new skills and provides a practicum for NFPA Firefighter II, NFPA Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator and NFPA Apparatus Equipped with Fire Pump certifications. Assists with entering the job market and in becoming more successful in competitive fire service entry processes.
Prerequisite: FRP 261 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Complete a basic incident report, given the report forms, guidelines, and information, so that all pertinent information is recorded, the information is accurate, and the report is complete.
- Communicate the need for team assistance, given fire department communications equipment, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and a team, so that the supervisor is consistently informed of team needs, departmental SOPs are followed, and the assignment is accomplished safely.
- Extinguish an ignitable liquid fire, operating as a member of a team, given an assignment, an attack line, personal protective equipment, a foam proportioning device, a nozzle, foam concentrates, and a water supply, so that the proper type of foam concentrate is selected for the given fuel and conditions, a properly proportioned foam stream is applied to the surface of the fuel to create and maintain a foam blanket, fire is extinguished, re-ignition is prevented, team protection is maintained with a foam stream, and the hazard is faced until retreat to a safe haven is reached.
- Coordinate an interior attack line team’s accomplishment of an assignment in a structure fire, given attack lines, personnel, personal protective equipment, and tools, so that re-ignition is prevented, team protection is maintained with a foam stream, and the hazard is faced until retreat to a safe haven is reached.
- Control a flammable gas cylinder fire operating as a member of a team, given an assignment, a cylinder outside of a structure, an attack line, personal protective equipment, an assignment, and tools, so that crew integrity is maintained, contents are identified, safe havens are identified prior to advancing, open valves are closed, flames are not extinguished unless the leaking gas is eliminated, the cylinder is cooled, cylinder integrity is evaluated, hazardous conditions are recognized and acted upon, and the cylinder is faced during approach and retreat.
- Protect evidence of fire cause and origin, given a flashlight and overhaul tools, so that the evidence is properly noted and protected from further disturbance until investigators can arrive on the scene.
- Extricate a victim entrapped in a motor vehicle as part of a team, given stabilization and extrication tools, so that the vehicle is stabilized, the victim can be disentangled without undue further injury, and hazards are managed.
- Assist rescue operation teams, given standard operating procedures, necessary rescue equipment, and an assignment, so that procedures are followed, rescue items are quickly recognized and retrieved, and the assignment is completed.
- Prepare a pre-incident survey, given forms, necessary tools, and an assignment, so that all required occupancy information is recorded, items of concern are noted, and accurate sketches or diagrams are prepared.
- Maintain power plants, power tools, and lighting equipment, given appropriate tools and manufacturer’s instructions, so that equipment is clean and maintained according to manufacturer and departmental guidelines, maintenance is recorded, and equipment is placed in a ready state or reported otherwise.
- Perform an annual service test on fire hose, given a pump, a marking device, pressure gauges, a timer, record sheets, and related equipment, so that procedures are followed, the condition of the hose is evaluated, any damaged hose is removed from service, and the results are recorded.
- Test the operability of, and flow from, a fire hydrant given a Pitot tube, pressure gauge, and other necessary tools, so that the readiness of the hydrant is assured and the flow of water from the hydrant can be calculated and recorded.
Content Outline
- Hose Operations: Loading and off-loading procedures for mobile water supply apparatus; drafting operation from suitable static water supply sources, procedures, and protocol for connecting to various water supply sources. How to hand lay a supply hose, connect and place hard suction hose for drafting operations, deploy portable water tanks as well as the equipment necessary to transfer water between and draft from them, make hydrant-to-pumper hose connections for forward and reverse lays, connect supply hose to hydrant, and fully open and close the hydrant.
- Flammable Liquids and Gasses: Selection of the proper nozzle and hose for fire attack given different fire situations; selection of adapters and appliances to be used for specific fire ground situations; dangerous conditions created by flammable liquids and gasses; fire and fire suppression activities. How to assemble a team, choose attack techniques for various situations, evaluate and forecast a fire’s growth and development, select proper tools for forcible entry, incorporate search and rescue procedures and ventilation procedures in the completion of the attack team efforts, and determine developing hazardous building or fire conditions.
- Flammable Gasses: Characteristics of pressurized flammable gasses, elements of a gas cylinder, effects of heat and pressure on closed cylinders, boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) signs and effects, methods for identifying contents, how to identify safe havens before approaching flammable gas cylinder fires, water stream usage and demands for pressurized cylinder fires, what to do if the fire is prematurely extinguished, valve types and their operation, alternative actions related to various hazards and when to retreat. How to execute effective advances and retreats, apply various techniques for water application, assess cylinder integrity and changing cylinder conditions, operate control valves, and choose effective procedures when conditions change.
- Foam Application: Methods by which foam prevents or controls a hazard; principles by which foam is generated; causes for poor foam generation and corrective measures; differences between hydrocarbon and polar solvent fuels and the concentrates that work on each; the characteristics, uses, and limitations of fire-fighting foams; the advantages and disadvantages of using fog nozzles versus foam nozzles for foam application; foam stream application techniques; hazards associated with foam usage; and methods to reduce or avoid hazards. How to prepare a foam concentrate supply for use, assemble foam stream components, master various foam application techniques, and approach and retreat from spills as part of a coordinated team.
- Testing Fire Hose: Procedures for safely conducting hose service testing, indicators that dictate any hose to be removed from service, and recording procedures for hose test results. How to operate hose testing equipment and nozzles and to record results.
- Preparing a Resume: Formats for resumes, writing, formatting, editing, and producing resumes.
- Preparing for Physical Ability Tests: Mental, physical, and psychological preparation for an ability test.
- Preparing for Written Examinations: Test-taking strategies.