Feb 06, 2025
CIS 133U C++ Language Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Introduces the C++ programming language. Covers the structure of the language, manipulation of data, and arrays. Includes how to manage input and output functions.
Prerequisite: CIS 121 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Program using structured and object oriented programming theory and the C/C++ language.
- Apply basic programming terminology and theory to writing C/C++ programs.
- Explain the use of pointers and memory references.
- Apply C/C++ language keywords and syntax to create statements for declaring and storing data types and manipulate data using the C/C++ language.
- Design programs which use header files, pointers, classes, functions, selection, and repetition.
Content Outline
- Program Documentation
- Structured and Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- Data Types and Assignments
- Arithmetic and Logic Expressions
- Conditional and Control Statements
- Functions, Classes, and Objects
- Pointers and References
- Arrays