Mar 11, 2025
ELT 253 Microprocessor Systems Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 4
Explores hardware and software concepts used with microcomputers. Stresses theory and laboratory application of interfacing criteria, hardware and software troubleshooting techniques, writing machine language programs, and using written programs for testing hardware and system interface. Promotes and supports sustainable and green technologies.
Prerequisite: ELT 244 and ELT 252 , each with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Use hardware and software applications on the Intel compatible microprocessor trainer system.
- Discuss microprocessor systems interfacing criteria and testing techniques.
- Write limited machine language programs for at least one type of microprocessor.
- Test and troubleshoot a complex logic circuit board, used with the microprocessor training system.
- Use schematic design tools for schematics, design, simulation, and layout of circuits.
Content Outline
- Computer Overview
- Types of computers
- History of computers
- Computer operations and instructions
- Bus Systems
- Bus concepts
- Tristate and open collector busses
- Common bus standards
- Memory Characteristics
- Primary
- RAM’s (static, dynamic)
- ROM’s (UVPROM’s)
- Memory timing, organization, and decoding
- Logic arrays
- Archival/Backup Memory Overview
- Timing
- System clock
- Timing diagrams and timing cycles
- Machine Language Programming
- Flowcharts and programming techniques
- Machine language instructions
- Data transfer
- Arithmetic
- Logical
- Branch
- Calls, subroutines, and stacks
- Addressing modes
- Software Applications
- Logic programs
- Time delay loops and debounce routines
- Data logging
- Interrupt service routines
- Interfacing Overview
- Software requirements
- Hardware
- Discreet components/peripheral chips
- Programmable peripheral chips
- Microprocessor Applications Overview
- Transducers and keyboards
- CRT displays
- Floppy disks
- Data communications
- Programmable LSI devises
- Troubleshooting Procedures, Software and Hardware Tests
- Relation to sustainable and green technologies.