Feb 05, 2025
ENG 250 Introduction to Mythology and Folklore Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Introduces folklore and some of its various forms: myths, legends, and folktales. Explores the nature and functions of folklore through examples from the classical world, from the native cultures of the Americas, and from at least one other area of the world, such as the Near East, the Orient, the Pacific, Africa, Australia, the Celtic World or Northern Europe. Also examines folklore in contemporary life.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 121Z ; or completion of WR 115 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify and define characteristics of the three basic folklore genres.
- Identify and distinguish between the commonly accepted functions of the three basic folklore genres.
- Describe how folklore is transmitted.
- Differentiate past and present concepts of folk groups.
- Articulate and defend plausible interpretations of how folklore narratives reflect attitudes, values and beliefs of the cultures that create and transmit them.
- Compare various uses of myths, legends and folktales in Western literature and art.
- Identify and collect folklore elements in contemporary life.
- Write compositions using a controlling thesis statement, textual support, documentation and standard grammar/mechanics.
Statewide General Education Outcomes:
- Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life.
- Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.
Content Outline
- Nature and Functions of Folklore
- Definitions
- Functions
- Methods of transmission
- Concepts of folk groups
- Myths and Their Place in Human Culture
- Classical
- Native cultures of the Americas
- Other
- Legends and Their Place in Human Culture
- Classical
- Native cultures of the Americas (i.e. North America or Central America)
- Other
- Folktales and Their Place in Human Culture
- Classical
- Native cultures of the Americas
- Other
- Contemporary Folklore
- Genres
- Principles and techniques of collection
- Exploration of folklore in students’ own experience