FRP 151 Fire Incident Related Experience 1 Lab Hours: 9 Credits: 3
Provides an introductory orientation to Fire Incident Related Experience that fulfills the requirements of OR-OSHA and the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training for Entry-Level Firefighter. These standards must be met prior to an individual responding to emergency incidents.
Prerequisite: Admission restricted to students chosen through an application process. Consent of instructor required. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Use self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during training operations, given SCBA and other personal protective equipment, so that the SCBA is properly donned and activated, the SCBA is correctly worn, controlled breathing techniques are used, emergency procedures are enacted if the SCBA fails, all low-air warnings are recognized, respiratory protection is not intentionally compromised, and hazardous areas are exited prior to air depletion.
- Enter into a hazardous structure given personal protective equipment and an assignment, so that the structure is entered and exited safely and the dangers associated with fire and structural hazards are recognized.
- Utilize Class A, B, and C fire extinguishers, given appropriate portable extinguishers, so that fires of each class are extinguished safely.
- Set up ground ladders, given single and extension ladders, an assignment, and team members as appropriate, so that hazards are assessed, the ladder is stable, the angle is proper for climbing, extension ladders are extended to the proper height with the fly locked, the top is placed against a reliable structural component, and the assignment is accomplished.
- Extinguish fires in exterior Class A materials, given attack lines and master stream devices and an assignment, so that the spread of fire is stopped, water application is effective, and the fire is extinguished.
- Overhaul a training fire, given personal protective equipment, attack line, hand tools, a flashlight, and an assignment, so that structural integrity is not compromised, all hidden fires are discovered, fire cause evidence is preserved, and the fire is extinguished.
- Connect a fire department pumper to a water supply as a member of a team, given supply or intake hose, hose tools, and a fire hydrant or static water source, so that connections are tight and water flow is unobstructed.
Content Outline
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- Conditions that require respiratory protection, uses and limitations of SCBA, components of SCBA, donning procedures, breathing techniques, indications for emergency procedures used with SCBA, and physical requirements of the SCBA wearer.
- Structural Hazard Recognition
- Basic construction of structures within the department’s community or service area and basic fire behavior. How to recognize fire and structural safety hazards in live fire situations.
- Fire Extinguishers
- Basic fire extinguisher types, their uses and limitations and their correct selection.
- How to lift, carry and utilize Class A, B, and C extinguishers of the size and configuration the department carries on apparatus; the ability to recognize and discern placarding as it relates to extinguisher selection and utilization.
- Ladders
- Parts of a ladder, hazards associated with setting up ladders, what constitutes a stable foundation for ladder placement, different angles for various tasks, safety limits to the degree of angulation, and what constitutes a reliable structural component for top placement.
- How to carry ladders, raise ladders, extend ladders and lock flies.
- How to determine that a wall and a roof will support the ladder, judge extension ladder height requirements, and place the ladder to avoid obvious hazards.
- Fire Attack
- Types of attack lines and water streams appropriate for attacking various types of fires; various extinguishing agents and their effect on different material configurations, the difficulties related to complete extinguishment of materials; water application methods for fire extinguishment; and dangers such as exposure to toxic or hazardous materials associated with burning materials.
- How to operate handlines or master streams; evaluate for complete extinguishment, operate hose lines and other water application devices, evaluate and modify water application for maximum penetration, search for and expose hidden fires, and evaluate for complete extinguishment.
- Hose Operations
- Types of fire attack lines and water application devices most effective for overhaul, water application methods for extinguishments that limit water damage, types of tools and methods used to expose hidden fire, dangers associated with overhaul, obvious signs of origin or arson, and reasons for protection of fire scene.
- How to deploy and operate an attack line; remove flooring, ceiling, and wall components to expose void spaces without compromising structural integrity; apply water for maximum effectiveness; expose and extinguish hidden fires in walls, ceilings, and subfloor spaces; recognize and preserve obvious signs of area of origin and arson; and evaluate for complete extinguishment.
- Loading and Off-Loading Procedures for Mobile Water Supply Apparatus
- Fire hydrant operation; suitable static water supply sources, procedures and protocol for connecting to various water sources.