Feb 04, 2025
FRP 160 Incident Safety Officer Lecture Hours: 1 Credits: 1
Covers NFPA 1521 and OSHA regulations regarding utilization of an on-scene safety officer. Prepares officers and firefighters to work together to promote safety at every emergency scene.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify physical properties of the three states of matter.
- Categorize the components of fire.
- Explain the physical and chemical properties of fire.
- Describe and apply the process of burning.
- Define and use basic terms and concepts associated with the chemistry and dynamics of fire.
- Discuss various materials and their relationship to fires as fuel.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of water as a fire suppression agent.
- Articulate other suppression agents and strategies.
- Compare other methods and techniques of fire extinguishments.
Content Outline
- Introduction
- Matter and energy
- The atom and its parts
- Chemical symbols
- Molecules
- Energy and work
- Forms of energy
- Transformation of energy
- Laws of energy
- Units of Measurements
- International (SI) systems of measurement
- English units of measurement
- Chemical Reactions
- Physical states of matter
- Compounds and mixtures
- Solutions and solvents
- Process of reactions
- Fire and the Physical World
- Characteristics of fire
- Characteristics of solids
- Characteristics of liquids
- Characteristics of gases
- Heat and its Effects
- Production and measurement of heat
- Different kinds of heat
- Properties of Solid Materials
- Common combustible solids
- Plastic and polymers
- Combustible metals
- Combustible dust
- Common Flammable Liquids and Gases
- General properties of gases
- The gas laws
- Classification of gases
- Compressed gases
- Fire Behavior
- Stages of fire
- Fire phenomena
- Flashover
- Backdraft
- Rollover
- Flameover
- Fire plumes
- Fire Extinguishment
- Combustion process
- Character of flame
- Fire extinguishment
- Extinguishing Agents
- Water
- Foams and wetting agents
- Inert gas extinguishing agents
- Halogenated extinguishing agents
- Dry chemical extinguishing agents
- Dry powder extinguishing agents
- Hazards by Classification Types
- Explosives
- Compressed and liquefied gases
- Flammable and combustible liquids
- Flammable solids
- Oxidizing agents
- Poisons
- Radioactive substances
- Corrosives