Feb 04, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

FRP 163 Planning Fire Protection

Lecture Hours: 1
Credits: 1

Covers the tools needed to plan a community’s fire protection system. Includes analyzing a community’s fire risk, establishing types of protection, and developing implementation and evaluation plans.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Identify the major agencies which are part of a community fire protection system and describe their interrelationship. 
  2. Define “fire risk,” classify types of risk, and estimate risk for a given area. 
  3. Determine fire suppression resource capability for a given area. 
  4. Define “unprotected risk” and “acceptable risk.” 
  5. Define “baseline data” and identify sources of data relevant to fire protection to design a fire protection plan. 
  6. Describe fire problem-solving steps and how each relates to planning. 
  7. Design a fire protection plan for an identified area that includes implementation, evaluation and cost benefit strategies. 
  8. Identify release time elements involved in emergency response and describe their impact on planning. 

Content Outline
  • Community Fire Protection 
    • System 
    • Agencies Involved 
    • Interrelationship 
  • Fire Risk Analysis 
    • Evaluating a Community’s Fire Risk 
    • Determining Fire Suppression Capability 
    • Defining “Unprotected Risk” and “Acceptable Risk” 
  • Designing Baseline Data and Identifying Sources of Data Relevant to Fire Protection 
  • Fire Problem Solving and How Each Relates to Planning 
    • Problem Identification 
    • Preparing Objectives 
    • Identifying Alternative Solutions 
    • Selecting Cost-Effective Solutions 
    • Developing Implementation Strategies 
    • Designing an Evaluation Plan