Feb 04, 2025
FRP 163 Planning Fire Protection Lecture Hours: 1 Credits: 1
Covers the tools needed to plan a community’s fire protection system. Includes analyzing a community’s fire risk, establishing types of protection, and developing implementation and evaluation plans.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the major agencies which are part of a community fire protection system and describe their interrelationship.
- Define “fire risk,” classify types of risk, and estimate risk for a given area.
- Determine fire suppression resource capability for a given area.
- Define “unprotected risk” and “acceptable risk.”
- Define “baseline data” and identify sources of data relevant to fire protection to design a fire protection plan.
- Describe fire problem-solving steps and how each relates to planning.
- Design a fire protection plan for an identified area that includes implementation, evaluation and cost benefit strategies.
- Identify release time elements involved in emergency response and describe their impact on planning.
Content Outline
- Community Fire Protection
- System
- Agencies Involved
- Interrelationship
- Fire Risk Analysis
- Evaluating a Community’s Fire Risk
- Determining Fire Suppression Capability
- Defining “Unprotected Risk” and “Acceptable Risk”
- Designing Baseline Data and Identifying Sources of Data Relevant to Fire Protection
- Fire Problem Solving and How Each Relates to Planning
- Problem Identification
- Preparing Objectives
- Identifying Alternative Solutions
- Selecting Cost-Effective Solutions
- Developing Implementation Strategies
- Designing an Evaluation Plan