Feb 04, 2025
FRP 272 International Fire Codes 2 Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Studies the International Fire Code, State Fire Marshal Fire Safety Regulations and related Oregon revised statutes, N.F.P.A., and other codes relating to fire prevention and life safety.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the administrative provisions of the Fire Code to fire prevention and life safety situations.
- Apply definitions as they relate to the Fire Code.
- Describe the intent and scope of the Fire Code.
- Identify required permits under the Fire Code.
- Describe the different building construction types.
- Describe the structural elements of a given building construction type.
- Use the International Building Code TABLE 720.1 to determine fire resistive requirements for building elements.
- Describe the requirements for protection of vertical shafts, interior stairways, and smoke enclosures.
- Determine allowable floor area and height of a building by utilizing Table C102.1 of the International Building Code.
- Determine occupant load of a building, based on Table 10-A of the Uniform Building Code.
- Evaluate the exiting systems from a building pursuant to the number of required exits, the required exit width, and the arrangement of exits.
- Determine installation and maintenance requirements for fire protection and life-safety systems.
- Determine requirements for fire apparatus access roads.
- Determine fire flow requirements for buildings.
- Identify general precautions to be taken against fire.
- Describe code requirements for occupant load control and maintenance of exits.
- Determine the requirements for the installation and maintenance of fire alarm systems.
- Explain general provisions for hazardous materials occupancies.
- Classify materials according to hazard.
- Describe storage regulations.
- Describe dispensing, use, and handling regulations.
- Apply the Fire Code to the storage of high piled combustible materials and high rack storage systems.
- Define and classify the types of commodities.
- Determine the requirements relating to the storage of matches.
- Describe the safe use of motion picture projection equipment.
- Determine the requirements for the safe use of extension cords and temporary wiring.
- Describe the safe storage of pesticides.
- Determine safety precautions for buildings undergoing construction, alternation, or demolition.
Content Outline
- Review
- Building construction types
- Shafts
- Occupancy classifications
- Occupant load
- Administrative provision of the Fire Code
- General fire safety and special occupancy uses
- Special Process
- Special Equipment
- Special Subjects