Feb 04, 2025
HS 103 Ethics for Human Services Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Introduces professional issues , codes of ethics, Federal and State laws, and regulations associated with the field of human services, traditional health workers, and substance use treatment. Explores factors related to ethical service delivery and the adaptation of helping strategies cross-culturally.
Prerequisite: HS 150 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Describe how personal values attitudes, beliefs, and physical and mental health impact the helping relationship.
- Describe the strategies for ethical interactions, and explain the importance of interacting with consumers in a respectful, non-judgmental manner in all human services sections.
- Identify professional issues and stressors faced by human service professionals, remedies, and prevention strategies.
- Differentiate the roles of professional counselor, human services professional, recovery mentor, and sponsor.
- Describe Federal and State laws and regulations, agency policies, and professional codes of ethics and the ramifications of non-compliance.
- Recognize ethical dilemmas and make ethical decisions that reflect respect for cultural and lifestyle diversity.
- Define client rights and responsibilities and the legal guidelines on confidentiality, boundaries, dual relationships, and mandatory reporting in human services settings.
- Analyze and implement general and legal guidelines on confidentiality, boundaries, dual relationships, and mandatory reporting in human services settings.
- Explain the role of countertransference on the helping relationship.
- Articulate a working definition of professional boundaries.
Content Outline
- Effective Professionals
- Self-awareness
- Values
- Stressors
- Ethical decision-making
- Roles
- Multicultural Perspectives
- Diverse populations
- Cultural values and assuptions
- Racism and microaggressions
- Developing multicultural competence
- Client Rights
- Informed consent
- Professional’s responsibilities
- Unethical behavior
- Ethical and Legal Issues
- Laws and regulations
- Confidentiality
- Codes of ethics
- Mandatory reporting
- Boundaries and Multiple Relationships