Feb 06, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

WR 090 Fundamentals of Writing

Lecture Hours: 4
Credits: 4

Builds on development of skills presented in WR 080 , and requires more complex writing and critical thinking skills.

Prerequisite: Placement into WR 90; or completion of WR 080  with grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Recognize sentence boundary issues and effectively edit final drafts.
  2. Use student and published writings as models for rhetorical and organizational choices.
  3. Able to critically read college-level texts and begin to analyze and synthesize these texts.
  4. Use organization, thesis, and development in a college-level paper.
  5. Write coherent paragraphs to include topic sentence, detailed support, with clear transitions; Demonstrate focus in a unified piece of writing.
  6. Use the following rhetorical and organizational patterns: narrative (required); expository and/or compare & contrast (required); definition (optional). Produce an approximate total of 4,000-5,000 word-processed words for submission during the course of a term.
  7. Locate audience, purpose, and voice in writing including recognizing that writing can be intended for different audiences.
  8. Recognize individual strengths and weaknesses when revising; edit drafts to final essays; and to collaborate in peer revision of written work.
  9. Recognize and use resources available to assist with the writing process.
  10. Demonstrate a clear understanding of plagiarism and of strategies to avoid it; use of MLA Works Cited page, recognition of in-text quotes, and framing direct quotations.

Content Outline
  • Academic Discourse and Conventions 
    • Participate in class discussion and activities 
    • Develop active reading skills, including annotation, vocabulary development, and identification of the thesis, and main idea of a source material 
    • Engage with texts representative of college-level courses 
    • Learn to recognize the rhetorical strategies used in a particular text 
    • Practice summarizing, paraphrasing, analyzing, evaluating, and attributing the ideas of others in order to develop and discover original ideas 
    • Ability to recognize sentence boundary issues and edit final drafts 
    • Gain familiarity with course resources available to help with sentence boundary issues, such as the handbook and online resources 
    • Gain familiarity with academic support services of the college, including: the library, Study Skills Center and Tutoring, and the Writing Center. 
  • Organization, Thesis, and Development 
    • Use planned, logical paragraph organization to emphasize a central idea, and to create a clear beginning, middle and end 
    • Unity and coherence of paragraphs 
    • Use transitions between sentences and paragraphs 
    • Summary, paraphrase, and synthesis 
    • Use the following rhetorical and organizational patterns: narrative (required); expository and/or compare and contrast (required); definition (optional)  
  • Audience, Purpose, and Voice 
    • Begin developing an understanding how voice, tone, and formality inform written texts 
  • Writing Process 
    • Prewriting: brainstorming, clustering, freewriting, etc. 
    • Drafting 
    • Thesis development 
    • Peer review 
    • Revising 
    • Editing 
    • Familiarity with tools and resources available to assist in writing improvement and development 
  • Research and Documentation 
    • Aware of key citation and documentation tools in order to avoid plagiarism, including: 
      • Introduction to quotation, quotation framing, and in-text citations 
      • Introduction to MLA Works Cited page