Jan 14, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

BI 212 Principles of Biology 2

Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 3
Credits: 5

Focuses on cell structure, metabolism, and comparative plant and animal anatomy and physiology. Second of a three-term sequence for students majoring in sciences and entering pre-health professional programs (i.e. botany, zoology, molecular biology, marine biology, pre-veterinary, pre-medical, pre-dental, pharmacy, and related fields).

Prerequisite: Placement into MTH 112Z (or higher); or completion of MTH 111Z (or higher); placement into WR 121Z  (or higher), or completion of WR 115  (or higher); and completion of BI 211 ; and completion of CH 121 , or CH201, or CH 221 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Differential Fee Yes
Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Explain how the chemical properties of organic compounds and water relate to the function of living systems.
  2. Describe the basic structure of a cell and the function of major organelles.
  3. Explain how organisms obtain energy from the environment and use that energy to run chemical reactions.
  4. Relate that structure of plants and animals to their ability to respond to that environment, gain nutrition, perform gas exchange, absorb & transport materials, and reproduce, grow & develop.
  5. Assemble independent research and data collected in the laboratory into a standard format scientific paper.

Additional general education outcomes:


  1. Gather, comprehend, and communicate scientific and technical information in order to explore ideas, models, and solutions and generate further questions. 

  1. Apply scientific and technical modes of inquiry, individually, and collaboratively, to critically evaluate existing or alternative explanations, solve problems, and make evidence-based decisions in an ethical manner. 

  1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of scientific studies and critically examine the influence of scientific and technical knowledge on human society and the environment. 

Content Outline

  • Review Basic Chemistry 
    • Macromolecules 
    • Properties of water 
    • Laws of thermodynamics 
    • Enzymes 
  • Cell Structure and Function 
    • Cells and organelles 
    • Biological membrane structure
    • Diffusion, Osmosis & Active Transport
  • Cell Energetics 
    • Respiration 
    • Fermentation 
    • Photosynthesis 
  • Plant Structure and Function 
    • Tissues and organs 
    • Transport 
    • Nutrition 
    • Reproduction and development 
    • Plant hormones 
  • Animal Structure and Function  
    • Tissues and organs 
    • Homeostasis 
    • Survey of structure and function of several animal systems (e.g. circulatory system, respiratory system, skeletal system, immune system, etc) 
  • Scientific Process 
    • Continued development of ability to use scientific method 
    • Write a scientific paper based on data collected in class 
    • Term-long Group Inquiry Project culminating in presentation of results during laboratory time
  • Weekly Laboratories (select from the following topics) 
    • Cell structure and function 
    • Diffusion and Osmosis 
    • Enzymes 
    • Photosynthesis 
    • Fermentation
    • Plant & Animal Structure & Function
    • Plant Transport
    • Homeostasis 
    • Surface Area & Absorption