Dec 30, 2024
BLD 273 International Fire Codes for Building Departments Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Relates the International Fire Code to plan review and inspections for building construction. Correlates the Fire Code with the fire provisions in the International Building Code.
Prerequisite: BLD 153 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify and interpret construction provisions related to vehicle impact protection for storage tanks, hydrants, etc.
- Evaluate requirements for fire apparatus access roads.
- Assess fire protection water supply requirements including number and location of hydrants.
- Understand code requirements for emergency responder radio coverage systems.
- Interpret fire code provisions for battery storage, refrigeration, and commercial cooking equipment.
- Understand construction requirements for dry cleaning, combustible dust, and motor-fuel dispensing facilities.
- Evaluate requirements for spray finishing and paint booths. Identify construction provisions for high piled storage.
- Understand and interpret construction provisions for storage, use, and handling of hazardous materials.
- Learn how to calculate and properly size required secondary containment for hazardous materials. Learn how to calculate fire flow requirements for buildings.
- Evaluate construction provisions related to storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids. Evaluate construction provisions related to storage and use of flammable gas, cryogenic fluids, water reactive materials, and unstable reactive materials.
Content Outline
- Administrative
- Fire Apparatus Access Road Requirements
- Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Systems
- Battery Storage
- Combustible Dust and Fuel Dispensing
- Paint Booths and High Piled Storage
- Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials
- General Requirements
- Specialized Requirements
- Secondary Containment
- Water Supply and Hydrants