CLA 202 Introduction to Chicano and Latino Studies 2 Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Introduces the social, political and economic status of Latinos in the context of United States’ institutions and structures. Examines demographic profiles and current issues from a Chicano/Latino perspective.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the social, political and economic status of Chicano/Latinos in the context of United States’ institutions and structures from a non-Western paradigm.
- Discuss Chicano/Latino issues from a perspective other than the perspective of the dominant culture.
- Identify ways the dominant institutions in the U.S. accommodate a variety of world views, in particular, Chicano-Latino culture.
- Describe a variety of options to address the needs of the Chicano/Latino community.
Statewide General Education Outcomes:
- Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behavior.
- Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live.
Content Outline
- Family
- Religion
- Community
- Arts
- Immigration and Exile
- Cultural Identity