Mar 11, 2025
ED 240 Education Practicum and Seminar Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 6 Credits: 4
Practicum portion of course provides experience in educational settings working with students and school groups. Seminar portion of course links theory to practice and informs activities and task in the practicum. Presents educational topics that link themes of social justice, equity, and serving diverse student needs to real world situations, school policy, and current legislation.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; and consent of instructor. Recommended that course be taken in the term prior to transfer to 4-year university. Repeatable: 2
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Understand current educational policy and trends as related to larger social and theoretical issues. Apply critical analysis regarding current issues in education to understand the complex political, social and individual factors.
- Understand the historical underpinnings of education as they relate to current educational issues.
- Discuss social justice issues as they relate to education, and how practitioners must build awareness of the justice aspect of education.
- Identify bias and diversity issues in the teaching environment.
- Distinguish between effective and ineffective teaching.
- Explain and demonstrate the process of teaching, including student engagement and effective communication strategies.
- Compare various classroom experiences, including direct instruction, active learning, whole classroom teaching, group teaching, and individual tutoring.
- Develop one’s own philosophy about teaching and vision for transformation through education.
Content Outline
- Current Educational Policy and Trends
- Legislation
- School district policies
- Different approaches to teaching methodology
- Different approaches to assessment strategy
- Education as Social Justice Work
- Teaching Methodologies
- Direct instruction
- Active learning
- Whole classroom teaching
- Group teaching
- Individual tutoring
- Assessment strategies
- Learning styles
- Engagement Strategies in the Classroom
- Communication skills
- Listening skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Diversity in the Classroom Setting
- Race, language and culture
- How to talk about race and culture: courageous conversations
- Socio-economic differences