Nov 12, 2024
ED 267 Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits: 3
Covers Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) characteristics including learning style, communication, social interaction, sensory processing, behavior, visual/concrete supports, teaching strategies, and teamwork. Brings together theory and discussion; demonstration; practice and feedback; and coaching in the classroom.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify characteristics and learning styles associated with ASD as related to school settings.
- Implement effective strategies to address the communication, social, sensory, and behavioral needs of students with ASD.
- Analyze tasks, compile and evaluate behavioral data.
- Identify their own communication, learning and relational styles in relation to those of their team members.
Content Outline
- What is ASD
- Definition
- Medical diagnosis vs. educational eligibility
- Four areas of impact
- Communication
- Social
- Repetitive/stereotypic behaviors
- Sensory
- Hidden curriculum
- Lifelong goals
- Understanding the BIG Picture: Learning Style
- Brain differences
- Core deficits
- Executive functioning
- Theory of mind
- Weak central coherence
- Processing
- IEPs
- Learning style bridge
- Communication
- Definition
- Typical language development
- ASD impairments in communication
- Strategies for enhancing language development
- Social Interaction
- Definition
- Typical friendship development
- ASD impairments in social development
- Strategies for enhancing language development
- Problem “solving” strategies
- Social stories
- Comic strip conversations
- Other strategies
- Sensory
- Definition
- Typical sensory development - the 7 senses
- ASD impairments in sensory development
- The 7 senses
- Seeking and avoiding sensory input
- Strategies to address sensory issues
- Challenging Behavior
- Definition
- Behavior as related to the core deficits
- Behavioral models and data collection
- ABC model of behavior
- Ziggurat model
- Function of behavior
- Behavior Support Plans
- Visual/Concrete Supports
- Definition
- Components of effective visual/concrete supports
- What is happening
- What to do when things change
- How to do work
- How to interact with others
- What’s in it for me?
- Foundations of Good Teaching
- Evidence based practices
- Discrete trial, pivotal response training, functional routines
- Promising practices
- TEACCH, augmentative communication, social skills training, relationship-based models
- Components of good teaching
- Task analysis
- Teaming
- Adult learning styles
- Communication styles
- Conflict