Dec 30, 2024
EGR 203 Electric Control Fundamentals Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 4
Covers Fourier series and Laplace Transforms and their use in electrical control theory. Includes the Bode diagram, Boolean algebra, and basic logic gates.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher); and completion of MTH 252 , MTH 256 , and EGR 202 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.) Student Learning Outcomes:
- Define the Laplace Transform and its use in electrical control theory.
- Use Fourier series analysis techniques.
- Define the step and impulse function.
- Find functional and operational transform.
- Find inverse transform.
- Define circuit elements and conduct circuit analysis in the s-domain.
- Find the transfer function for various circuits.
- Solve circuits using the LTSpice circuit analysis program.
- Apply Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps to basic digital circuits.
- Represent lab data in a formal report.
Content Outline
- The Laplace Transform
- Definition of the Laplace Transform
- The step and impulse function
- Functional and operational transforms
- Inverse transforms
- Initial and final-value theorems
- The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
- Circuit elements in the s-domain
- Circuit analysis in the s-domain
- The impulse function in circuit analysis
- The Transfer Function
- The transfer function
- The transfer function and the steady-state sinusoidal response
- Bode diagrams
- LTSpice
- DC circuits
- AC circuits
- Transient circuits
- Digital Principles
- Boolean algebra
- Karnaugh maps
- Logic circuits
- Fourier Series
- Trig Form
- Symmetry
- Simulation
- Electrical Safety