Oct 18, 2024  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

GEO 142 Geologic Hazards of the Pacific Northwest

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 3
Credits: 4

Focuses on understanding the primary geologic threats to the Pacific Northwest: volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides. Covers the tectonic environment, causes, triggers, secondary hazards and monitoring efforts associated with each. Uses hazard maps to assess local vulnerabilities and risk.

Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Differential Fee Yes
Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Define tectonic plates, outline the boundaries associated with the PNW, and explain their relationship to volcanoes and earthquakes.
  2. Define the rock cycle and understand the relationship between silicate minerals and igneous rocks
  3. Identify common igneous rocks and where they are found in the PNW.
  4. Identify the major geomorphic provinces of Oregon 
  5. Identify the causes and types of volcanism and volcanic landforms in the PNW
  6. Describe the important historical and recent volcanic and seismic events of the PNW
  7. Describe seismic waves and explain how seismographs determine locations of epicenters
  8. Recognize the factors and conditions that trigger landslides and create environments favorable for landslide activity.
  9. Recognize the primary and secondary hazards associated with volcanoes, earthquakes, and landslides, including tsunamis.
  10. Explain the monitoring and mitigation efforts associated with volcanic, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide hazards
  11. Use hazard maps associated with volcanoes and earthquakes and apply them in understanding development in hazard prone areas of the PNW.

Content Outline
Required Text: GEO 142 Lab Book

Course Content Outline:

  • Oregon Geomorphic provinces
  • Mechanics of Plate Tectonics
    • Plate boundary dynamics
    • Magma generation
      • Subduction
      • Decompression melting
      • Hotspots and mantle plumes
  • Igneous Rocks
    • Rock Cycle 
    • Silicate Minerals and Bowen’s Reaction Series
    • Igneous processes and magma differentiation
  • Igneous Rocks of the PNW
    • Intrusive Igneous Rocks
      • Klamath Mountains
      • Blue Mountains
    • Extrusive Igneous Rocks
      • Cascades
      • Deschutes-Columbia Plateau
      • High Lava Plains
      • Basin and Range
  • Volcanism
    • Volcanic Landforms and Associated Igneous Activity
    • PNW Volcanoes - Cascades, Columbia River Basalts, others
    • Volcanic history of the PNW
    • Volcanic hazards of the PNW
      • Pyroclastic flows/surges
      • Lahars
      • Tephra
      • Gasses and aerosols
    • Monitoring and prediction
  • Earthquakes 
    • Earthquake mechanics
      • Faults
      • Elastic rebound theory
      • Crustal, Subduction Zone, Deep
      • Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS)
    • Seismic waves
      • Internal structure of the Earth
      • Locating an epicenter
    • Earthquake history of the PNW
    • Earthquake hazards of the PNW 
      • Vibration and ruptures
      • Liquefaction
      • Landslides
      • Fires
      • Tsunamis
    • Monitoring and prediction
  • Landslides
    • Landslide triggers
      • Natural
      • Anthropogenic
    • Landslide hazards of the PNW
    • Landslide history of the PNW
      • Oso Landslide
      • Rattlesnake Ridge
      • Coastal highway
    • Landslide mitigation