Mar 06, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

GS 106 General Science: Earth Science

Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 3
Credits: 4

Introduces various branches of the earth sciences. Includes basic terminology, fundamental processes, and respective interrelations.

Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Differential Fee Yes
Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Distinguish between the three main types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic).
  2. Describe the different kinds of volcanoes and how they form.
  3. Describe the formation landforms in the context of Plate Tectonics.
  4. Identify and describe the external and internal earth processes of the earth’s dynamics.
  5. Identify the hazards associated with earth processes, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, and weather.
  6. Identify the various parts of Earth’s hydrologic cycles and how they interact.
  7. Discuss the Earth’s oceans and their interaction with the atmosphere and continents.
  8. Explain the nature of the earth’s weather and climate phenomena.  Discuss the implications and causes of modern climate change.
  9. Describe the formation of the solar system and planet.
  10. Discuss the formation of the Moon and its relationship with Earth.
  11. Discuss the principles of geologic time.


Statewide General Education Outcomes: 

  1. Gather, comprehend, and communicate scientific and technical information in order to explore ideas, models, and solutions and generate further questions. 
  2. Apply scientific and technical modes of inquiry, individually, and collaboratively, to critically evaluate existing or alternative explanations, solve problems, and make evidence-based decisions in an ethical manner; and 
  3. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of scientific studies and critically examine the influence of scientific and technical knowledge on human society and the environment. 

Content Outline
Text: Neser, Laura (2023). Introduction to Earth Science. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences. Licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  • Rocks and Minerals
    • Minerals
      • Identify the physical properties of various minerals
      • Identify the most common rock-forming minerals
    • Rocks
      • Igneous rocks
        • Distinguish between various lava types
        • Explain volcanic processes
      • Sedimentary rocks
        • Clastic
        • Nonclastic (chemical)
        • Biochemical
      • Metamorphic rocks
    • Describe the rock cycle
  • The Dynamic Earth
    • Plate tectonics
      • Describe the internal structure of the earth
      • Explain the evidence for the theory of plate tectonics
      • Describe the different types of plate boundaries
        • Divergent
        • Transform
        • Convergent
      • Hot Spots
    • Earthquakes
      • Summarize elastic rebound theory
      • Describe the different types of seismic waves
      • Explain how the magnitude and intensity of earthquakes are measured
      • Hypothesize the hazardous effects of building in earthquake zones
      • Describe the ways in which earthquakes are predicted
    • Structural Geology
      • Folds
      • Faults
  • Water
    • Hydrologic cycle
    • Groundwater
      • Define the water table
      • Describe the various types of aquifers
      • Recognize the various hazards associated with groundwater
      • Describe how caves are formed
    • Surface water
      • River dynamics
      • River types
        • Meandering
        • Braided
      • Drainage patterns
      • Assess the environmental impact of human-constructed dams
    • Glaciers
      • Describe how glaciers form
      • Describe how glacier dynamics
      • Distinguish between the different types of glaciers
      • Explain the process of glacial erosion
      • Glacial deposition
      • Ice Ages
    • Oceans
      • Wave anatomy and formation
      • Ocean currents
      • Coastal features
  • The Atmosphere and Weather
    • Vertical structure of the atmosphere
    • Solar energy and causes of seasons
    • Global circulation patterns
    • Weather
      • Atmospheric moisture
      • Atmospheric stability
      • Clouds
      • Violent weather
      • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various models of weather forecasting
    • Modern climate change
  • Foamtion of the Solar System
    • The sun
    • The planets
    • The moon
  • History of the Earth
    • Relative geologic time
      • Stratigraphic principles
    • Absolute geologic time
      • Radiometric dating
        • Compute the ages of rocks using radiometric dating techniques