Feb 04, 2025
HPE 184 Sports Medicine: Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Covers the basic concepts of athletic injury prevention, including taping and bracing techniques. Addresses injury recognition and management, including common mechanisms of athletic injury, signs and symptoms, and proper care and rehabilitation of common athletic injuries.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Perform taping and bracing techniques for prevention of a variety of common athletic injuries.
- Evaluate and predict severity and nature of common athletic injuries.
- Detect and classify the signs and symptoms of common athletic injuries.
- Initiate proper evaluation and management of injuries.
- Implement basic rehabilitation protocol for common athletic injuries.
Content Outline
- Introduction to Athletic Training:
- Athletic Training Terminology
- The nature of injury
- Common mechanisms of injury
- Injury evaluation
- Ankle and Foot
- Anatomy
- Injuries and management
- Ankle taping lab
- Foot taping lab
- Knee
- Anatomy
- Injuries and management
- Knee taping and bracing lab
- Thigh, Hip and Groin
- Anatomy
- Injuries and management
- Shoulder
- Anatomy
- Injuries and management
- Shoulder taping lab
- Elbow
- Anatomy
- Injuries and management
- Elbow taping lab
- Wrist and Hand
- Anatomy
- Injuries
- Wrist and thumb taping lab
- Head