Feb 04, 2025
HUM 120 International Community Development in Action Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Examines the themes and concepts of international community development in impoverished global regions and provides direct cross-cultural experience by living and working in another country, with emphasis on the unequal distribution of wealth and power evident in the world. Develops a broad understanding and critical thinking about global forces and culture through the disciplines of education, philosophy, literature, economics and community development. Prepares students to participate thoughtfully and responsibly in community development field work (service learning).
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Explain current community development theories and be able to defend opinions through citation of specific research and practitioners in the field.
- Describe personal awareness of the philosophy, attitudes, prejudices, and stereotypes involved in community development.
- Explain the concept of the Millennium Goals, and summarize current progress being made towards these goals worldwide. Include historical perspective on why some nations develop.
- Develop a personal statement about global policy based on research and firsthand experience.
- Identify major socio-economic class and education issues facing impoverished communities.
- Identify cultural similarities and difference between the US and other global communities. Examine and articulate personal cultural discomfort and sensitivity.
Statewide General Education Outcomes:
- Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life.
- Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.
Cultural Literacy Outcomes:
- Identify and analyze complex practices, values, and beliefs and the culturally and historically defined meanings of difference.
Content Outline
- Introduction to the Concepts and Themes of International Community Development
- Economic themes
- Political and infrastructure themes
- Attitude and socially-defined meanings and themes
- Current media and review of international projects (such as the Millennium Goals)
- Global poverty and community development - juxtapose theory with personal experience
- Examine current attitudes and projects designed to eliminate poverty and track efficacy of these programs (could be done in a variety of settings and countries)
- Cultural Sensitivity Building
- Exploration through literature of cultural respect and ignorance
- Cross-cultural understanding of social class and social power differentials
- Cross-cultural understanding of prejudice and active discrimination
- Cross-cultural understanding of attitude and the superiority complex
- Education and Poverty
- Philosophy of education and political process as it relates to course field work experience
- Education as opportunity, explored through literature and experience
- Awareness of social superiority theory as it relates to poverty.
- Philosophical perspective on international development and unanticipated consequences.
- Capstone international experience working directly on a community development project.