Feb 04, 2025
JNL 216 Newswriting Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Focuses on gathering and processing the news. Includes specific treatments on lede formats, organizing and constructing news stories, developing a news writing style and both straight and feature materials. Covers editorial and column writing with considerable time devoted to the craft of writing.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify situations offering potential news value.
- Analyze and perform the basic duties and responsibilities of a news reporter for the print medium.
- Apply basic news story construction techniques to the craft of newswriting.
- Self-edit a story for conciseness and clarity, and develop a variety of editing techniques.
- Locate, analyze, and successfully communicate with primary and secondary news sources.
- Employ a wide-ranging variety of interviewing techniques that produce readable copy for print publications.
- Develop a style for and employ abbreviated note-taking techniques.
- Produce stories from police/accident reports, publicity releases, obituary forms, public meetings, live speeches, and other related sources.
- Identify basic news value in feature stories.
- Use the basic organization of The AP Stylebook for news stories.
Content Outline
- News Value
- Reporter Responsibilities
- Lede Styles
- Editing Symbols and Techniques
- Primary and Secondary News Sources
- Interviewing
- Note-taking
- Use of Quotes
- Inverted Pyramid and Story Development Techniques
- Transitions
- Using Public Records
- Obituary Formats
- Feature Formats