Mar 11, 2025
CHN 201 Second Year Chinese Term 1 Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
First course of a three-course sequence of second year Mandarin Chinese language and cultural awareness. Emphasizes effective skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing as it continues to review and introduce major grammatical structures, build the student’s vocabulary in Chinese and expand learners’ proficiency at the intermediate level, as well as cultural awareness and understanding. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Chinese.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 or higher; or completion of WR 090 (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115 or higher; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.) Recommended: CHN 103 with a grade of C or better.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Transcribe and respond appropriately to some dictated phrases and sentences.
- Interpret main ideas from common oral sources such as announcements and broadcasts.
- Communicate information and ideas orally using completed sentences.
- Initiate and sustain conversation on familiar topics grounded in personal experience.
- Interpret main ideas and details from common and daily written materials.
- Use Chinese grammatical structures and vocabulary to convey information through writing in semi-predictable settings.
- Compose written letters and paragraphs with some details.
- Describe selected aspects of the geography, history, artistic heritage, and cultural practices in the Chinese speaking world.
- Explain and use several behaviors and basic nonverbal cues in limited situations.
Statewide General Education Outcomes:
- Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life.
- Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.
Content Outline
- Lesson 16 Dating
- Describe people and how long you have known them
- Ask someone out on a date
- Make arrangements to go out with friends
- Accept or gently decline a date
- End a phone conversation politely
- Learn how to use descriptive, potential, or directional complements
- Lesson 17 Renting an apartment
- Describe your current and ideal dwellings
- Name common pieces of furniture
- State how long you have been living at your current residence
- Explain why a place is or isn’t right for someone
- Discuss and negotiate rent, utilities, and security deposits
- Learn potential complements, and review some fundamental grammar concepts
- Lesson 18 Sports
- Name and discuss some popular sports
- Talk about your exercise habits
- Compare soccer and American football in simple terms
- Learn activity and inactivity duration words
- Learn the continuation words for an action
- Learn how to create passive-voice sentences
- Lesson 19 Travel
- Talk about your plans for summer break
- Describe what kind of city Beijing is
- Describe your travel itinerary
- Ask for discounts, compare airfares and routes, and book airplane tickets
- Ask about seat assignments and request meal accommodations
- Learn questions as indefinite references
- Learn the numbers over one thousand
- Make a comparative sentence
- Lesson 20 At the airport
- Check in at the airport
- Wish departing friends a safe journey and remind them to keep in touch
- Greet guests or to take leave of someone at the airport
- Compliment someone’s language ability
- Ask about someone’s health
- Learn the kingship terms in Chinese
- Learn the particle de and the adverbial bǎ.