Mar 11, 2025
CHN 202 Second Year Chinese Term 2 Lecture Hours: 4 Credits: 4
Second course of a three-course sequence of second year Mandarin Chinese language and cultural awareness. Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary reading and in-depth review and expansion of basic Chinese grammatical structures and vocabulary as well as broadening of the students’ understanding of Chinese cultural values. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) take place in Chinese.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 or higher; or completion of WR 090 (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115 or higher; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.) Recommended: CHN 201 with a grade of C or better.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Respond logically in familiar conversational situations.
- Interpret main ideas and some details from common oral sources such as announcements and broadcasts.
- Communicate information and ideas orally using appropriate and complete sentence to various audiences.
- Initiate, sustain, and close conversation on familiar topics grounded in personal experience.
- Interpret main ideas and details from common daily written texts.
- Recognize and interpret common daily used Chinese characters both traditional and simplified.
- Write accurately structured sentences in the past, present and future time frames.
- Write a comprehensive letters, compositions and paraphrase grounded in personal experience.
- Interpret and use several behaviors and basic nonverbal cues appropriate to a range of circumstances.
- Describe orally or in written form in Chinese select aspects of geography, history, artistic heritage, and cultural practices in the Chinese speaking world.
Statewide General Education Outcomes:
- Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life.
- Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.
Content Outline
- Lesson 1 Starting a New Semester
- Explain how to write your Chinese name
- Say where you were born and grew up
- Discuss the pros and cons of living on and off campus
- Express a dissenting opinion politely
- Learn how to connect sentences
- Lesson 2 Dorm Life
- Name basic pieces of furniture
- Describe your living quarters
- Comment on someone’s living quarters
- Disagree tactfully
- Learn how to create existential sentences
- Learn how to express relative degree or extent
- Learn how to indicate an extreme extent using… dé hěn
- Lesson 3 At a Restaurant
- Name four principal regional Chinese cuisines
- Order food and drink
- Talk about what flavors you like and dislike
- Describe your dietary restrictions and preferences
- Learn the topic-comment sentence structure
- Lesson 4 Shopping
- Name basic clothing, bedding, and bath items
- Describe your shopping preferences and criteria
- Express discounts
- Disagree with others tactfully
- Learn how to use non-predicative adjectives
- Learn how to use adjective/verb in conjunction sentences
- Lesson 5 Choosing Classes
- State your major and academic department and some required general courses you have taken
- Talk about your plans after graduation
- Discuss what will enhance your future job opportunities
- Explain whether your family members have an influence on your choice of major and career path
- Share tips on how to save more for your education
- Learn how to use resultative complements
- Learn how to compare