Mar 11, 2025  
Catalog 2024-2025 
Catalog 2024-2025

CHN 203 Second Year Chinese Term 3

Lecture Hours: 4
Credits: 4

Third course of a three-course sequence of second year Mandarin Chinese language and cultural awareness. This course provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary reading and in-depth review and expansion of basic Chinese grammatical structures and vocabulary as well as broadening of the students’ understanding of Chinese cultural values. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) take place in Chinese.

Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  or higher; or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  or higher; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Recommended: CHN 202  with a grade of C or better.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Respond logically in familiar conversational situations. 
  2. Interpret main ideas from common oral sources such as announcements and broadcasts. 
  3. Communicate information and ideas orally using appropriate, effective, and complete sentence to various audiences. 
  4. Initiate, sustain, and close conversation on familiar topics. 
  5. Interpret main ideas and some details from short authentic written materials. 
  6. Recognize and interpret common daily used Chinese characters both traditional and simplified. 
  7. Compose comprehensible letters, compositions, and paraphrases. 
  8. Describe orally or in written form in Chinese selected aspects of the geography, history, artistic heritage, and cultural practices in the Chinese speaking world. 
  9. Interpret and use several behaviors and basic nonverbal cues appropriate to a range of circumstances.

Statewide General Education Outcomes:

  1. Interpret and engage in the Arts and Letters, making use of the creative process to enrich the quality of life.
  2. Critically analyze values and ethics within a range of human experience and expression to engage more fully in local and global issues.

Content Outline
  • Lesson 6 Dating
    • Say if you have an upbeat personality
    • State if you share the same interests or hobbies as others
    • Inquire if everything is okay and find out what has happened
    • Describe behaviors of a forgetful person
    • Give a simple description of what you look for in a friend
    • Tell what makes you anxious or angry
    • Learn how to use verb-and-verb structures
    • Learn to use common phrases or idioms in conversation
  • Lesson 7 Computer and the Internet
    • Find out if others are angry with you and apology if so
    • Avoid tension in a conversation by changing the subject
    • Let people know about the trouble you had to go through because of their thoughtlessness or carelessness
    • Name and discuss the activities you use the internet for
    • Discuss the pros and the cons of using the internet
    • Learn how to use potential-complements
    • Learn how to connect sentences
  • Lesson 8 Working Part-Time
    • Explain how people fund their education
    • Discuss if you work part-time and why
    • Name common jobs for students in China and your country
    • Talk about how students spend their pocket money
    • Learn how to use directional-complements
    • Learn how to connect two-verb phrases
    • Learn how to use rhetorical questions
  • Lesson 9 Education
    • Comment on whether your parents packed your schedule with activities as a child
    • Describe some typical classes offered in afterschool programs
    • Indicate agreement or disagreement
    • Present your opinions on children’s education
    • Talk about parents’ aspirations for their children
    • Learn how to use adverbs before numbers
    • Learn how to use adjectives as predicates
  • Lesson 10 Geography of China
    • Locate major Chinese cities, provinces, and geographic features on a map
    • Compare basic geographic aspects of China and your own country
    • Describe features of a tourist sight that would attract or deter you
    • Discuss an itinerary for travel to China
    • Learn how to use Conjunctions, adjectives and the dynamic-particle