Feb 04, 2025
HPE 285 Advanced Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 2 Credits: 4
Develops skills used in the field during athletic emergency or injury situations. Includes emergency first aid, CPR, heat and weather related sports considerations and injuries, rehabilitation techniques for return to play after common sport injuries, prevention of injuries through pre-season and in-season conditioning considerations and hydration.
Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 (or higher), or completion of WR 090 (or higher); and completion of HPE 184 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.) Student Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and perform techniques for a progressive rehabilitation program for athletes to return to play after injury.
- Perform CPR and use of EDT machine.
- Use critical thinking skills and standard protocols in a sports-related emergency situation.
- Use strategies to take a leadership role in a first aid situation to deal with cuts or abrasion injuries.
- Assess sport environments and physical demands such as heat, humidity, safety issues, sport specific pre-season and in-season conditioning to prevent injury.
- Identify the roles and responsibilities of health professionals in the sporting world.
- Use hands-on techniques and information in real-life scenarios.
Content Outline
- Ankle Injury Care
- Immediately following injury
- Ice
- Compression wrap with horseshoe
- Crunchfitting
- Educate the athlete on injury expectations
- Rehabilitation techniques
- P N F exercises
- Range of motion
- Strengthening
- Return to play protocol
- Shin Splints Care and Prevention
- Prevention techniques
- Taping
- Care for
- Knee Injury Care
- Knee immobilizer
- Sand splint/suction splint
- Rehabilitation
- Bracing: types of braces and function
- First Aid and Emergencies
- Safety precautions dealing with blood born pathogens
- Proper care of cuts and abrasions (lab)
- Neck injuries/stabilization/spine board (lab)
- First Aid Certification through Red Cross
- Weather Considerations
- Heat and humidity affecting athletes
- Sling psychrometer, wet bulb thermometer
- Cold injuries: wind, water, clothing
- Fluid replacement
- Proper technique (practice lab)
- CPR certification through Red Cross
- Allied Health Team Roles and Responsibilities
- Athletic trainer
- Athletic director
- Coach
- Team doctor
- Physical therapist
- Orthopedic surgeon
- Components of Physical Conditioning Program and Overuse Injuries
- Pre-season considerations
- In-season
- Post-season
- Off-season