For discipline outcomes, see General Education Outcomes-Arts and Letters .
See also Visual Communications Program
Chemeketa’s studio art curriculum offers a comprehensive range of foundational courses in design, drawing, ceramics, painting, sculpture, and creativity. We teach hands-on, medium-specific techniques, while emphasizing strong design skills, practical methods of developing ideas, collaboration, and craftsmanship. Chemeketa’s art history courses explore formal and historical approaches to the visual arts, and the role of art in constructing social systems. All courses emphasize visual literacy, a necessary tool to navigate our increasingly complex visual world, and encourage recognition of diversity through social and cultural literacy.
Many art courses can be used to fulfill the Arts and Letters requirement of the Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) and the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) Degree Requirements . As a student, you are responsible for learning the departmental requirements of the school to which you plan to transfer. Also, you should make early contact with an advisor at the institution to which you plan to transfer to learn of any possible changes in this academic area.
Oregon state colleges and universities offering Bachelor of Arts and/or Bachelor of Science degrees in Art are: Eastern Oregon University (EOU), Oregon State University (OSU), Portland State University (PSU), Southern Oregon University (SOU), University of Oregon (U of O), and Western Oregon University (WOU). WOU has the Art and Design major and also in art education. PSU has majors in Art History, Art Practices, and Graphic Design. OSU has majors in Art, Art History, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Photography. U of O has majors in Art History, and Fine and Applied Arts.
We strongly recommend developing a term-by-term plan of study using our transfer pathways. We have pathways for students who plan to major in art at WOU, OSU, PSU, and Pacific Northwest College of Art. If you plan to transfer as an art major, contact the Visual and Performing Arts Program Chair at 503.399.6093 or consult with Chemeketa’s dedicated art adviser in Advising and First Year Programs at 503.365.4737. Questions regarding Chemeketa’s art offerings may be directed to the Liberal Arts office at 503.399.5184.