Sep 23, 2024  
Catalog 2022-2023 
Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

About these Course Descriptions

This list of course descriptions reflects the diversity and scope of the many credit courses Chemeketa currently offers. Some of our current courses may not be included here as the college may add classes after this catalog is published. The courses are listed alphabetically by prefix.

You will find prerequisites specified in many of these course descriptions. You must meet these conditions before you enroll in a course. It is your responsibility as a student to fulfill the prerequisite.

Some prerequisites indicate that you must complete certain preparatory courses or must have the consent of the course instructor. To gain consent, meet with the instructor. Consent is based on the instructor’s assessment of your readiness to enroll in the course.

Consult with Chemeketa’s Advising and First Year Programs department or a faculty program advisor for transfer information.

Note 1: The letters, F, W, Sp, and Su near the end of a course description indicate the term (fall, winter, spring, summer) the course is usually offered. For information on when and where classes meet, consult the Schedule of Classes available each term at, or access through your MyChemeketa account if you are a registered student.

Note 2: Courses indicating “Offered as needed”—Contact Advising and First Year Programs department for assistance.

Note 3: The letters IL and CL at the end of a course description indicate courses which meet the AAOT requirements for information literacy and cultural literacy.

Course Textbook Information

Please check with the Bookstore to determine required textbooks and cost (information required for financial aid).

The online searchable schedule of classes designates classes with course materials that are low cost, $50 or less, or no cost. Low-cost or no-cost course material designations will be displayed in class search with a symbol in the next to last column.These designations will not appear in the printed schedule

How Courses are Listed

The following course prefixes describe the primary intent of the courses offered:

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses numbered less than 50 do not meet the requirements of the AA/OT, AAS, AS/OT-BUS, AS/OT-CS, or AGS degrees.

Career and Technical Courses (CTE)

Many career and technical courses are applicable to the baccalaureate degree. Please contact your school of choice for additional information.

Lower Division Collegiate Courses

A number below 100 indicates a support course, which is usually not transferable to a BA-granting institution.

Course Description Terms

Recommended/Suggested Requisite: Students are encouraged to complete the stated recommendation in order to be better prepared for the course.

Prerequisite: A requirement or course that must be successfully completed before taking the course.

Corequisite: A requirement or course that must be either successfully completed beforehand or taken in combination with another course.

Concurrent: A course that must be taken in combination with another course.


Student Leadership Development

  • SLD 127C - Intercultural Leadership: Strong and Progressive Women Through Film

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 2

    Examines critical issues pertaining to strong and progressive women. Explores and defines key structures, traditions, perspectives, and themes through documentaries and feature films.

Credit Hours: 2
  • SLD 127D - Intercultural Leadership: Latino Culture Through Film

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 2

    Examines critical issues pertaining to Latino culture throughout North America. Explores and defines key social issues, traditions, perspectives, and themes through documentaries and films.

Credit Hours: 2
  • SLD 128 - Leadership Development

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 2

    Explores the definition of leadership and provides knowledge of basic leadership skills. Develops and enhances leadership abilities through practical skill building in team building, goal-setting, role modeling, public speaking, time management, ethics, diversity, and customer service. Inspires cultivation of a personal leadership vision.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 2
  • SLD 129 - Student Life Leadership

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Introduces students to techniques, strategies and information fundamental to success in a college/work environment. Explores leadership qualities, meeting facilitation skills, planning and organizational skills and college and office policies and procedures.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; and must be hired in a Student Retention and College Life Leadership position.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SLD 140 - Student Services Leadership 1

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Prepares student leaders to represent the college in a responsible, ethical, and professional manner. Introduces customer service and teamwork concepts.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SLD 141 - Student Services Leadership 2

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Continues to build professional customer service skills. Introduces personal/professional development tools such as public speaking, conflict styles, and time and stress management.

    Prerequisite: SLD 140  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1


  • SOC 204 - The Sociological Perspective

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces and employs the sociological imagination to explore society and social experience. Emphasizes the complex relationships between individuals and society by introducing students to a diverse range of sociological approaches. Includes socialization, social structure, social interaction, culture, groups, stratification, social class, deviance, social science methodology, and the intellectual history of sociology.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher). with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 205 - United States Society

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Examines organized systems of behavior and how institutions interrelate and impact individuals and groups. Emphasizes the differential benefits of established social arrangements. Covers the family, government, religion, education, health care, and medicine, the economy, formal organizations, and the sociology of work. Although focus is on U.S. society, global themes are explored.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 206 - Social Problems

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Applies the sociological perspective to the causes and consequences of social problems and examines the ways in which problems are constructed and defined. Covers inequalities based on race, ethnicity, gender, and age as well as problems such as crime, urbanization, population change, poverty, health, and the environment. Explores public policy and sociologically-informed solutions.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 210 - Sociology of the Family

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Offers a sociological perspective of the family, marriage, partnerships, and family life in the U.S. Treats the family as a social institution and focuses on structural arrangements, social inequalities, social problems, and socialization processes that impact family forms and experiences.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 213 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Offers a sociological perspective of race and ethnicity in the U.S. Treats race and ethnicity as systems of social relations and analyzes how racial domination operates in politics, place, education, economic matters, associations, families, and other fields of social life.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 221 - Juvenile Delinquency

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Examines the nature, extent, causes, reaction, and control of juvenile delinquency in the United States from a sociological frame of reference.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 223 - Sociology of the Environment and Sustainability

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the sociological study of the environment and sustainability. Explores environmental and sustainability issues associated with natural resource utilization, energy consumption, and globalization. Focuses on the impact of social systems, social processes, and public policy. Examines environmental ideologies, collective behavior, and social change in relation to environmentalism and sustainability efforts.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 224 - Sociology of Violence, Terrorism, and War

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the sociological study of violence, terrorism, and war. Explores violence within the context of domestic and international terrorism and war. Focuses on the role of social institutions, issues of power and inequality, social interaction, and cultural components as they relate to violence, terrorism, and war. Examines emerging strategies in prevention, responses, and engagement as well as the social costs of violence, terrorism, and war.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SOC 232 - Death and Dying: A Socio-Cultural Perspective

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the study of death and dying from a socio-cultural frame of reference. Studies social attitudes, cultural perspectives, and social-institutional factors associated with death and dying. Explores aspects of end-of-life issues, bereavement, and the afterlife.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4


  • SPN 101 - First Year Spanish, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the Spanish language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Hispanic culture (including geography, customs, daily life, heritage and literature), facilitated by the study of vocabulary, grammar, short readings and guided conversation. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class. Prerequisite:

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 102 - First Year Spanish, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the Spanish language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Hispanic culture (including geography, customs, daily life, heritage and literature), facilitated by the study of vocabulary, grammar, short readings and guided conversation. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 101 , or one year of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 103 - First Year Spanish, Term 3

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the Spanish language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Hispanic culture (including geography, customs, daily life, heritage and literature), facilitated by the study of vocabulary, grammar, short readings and guided conversation. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 102 , or two years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 111 - Beginning Spanish Conversation, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for beginners whose primary goal is basic communication in the language and an understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 112 - Beginning Spanish Conversation, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for beginners whose primary goal is basic communication in the language and an understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: SPN 111 , or one year of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 113 - Beginning Spanish Conversation, Term 3

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for beginners whose primary goal is basic communication in the language and an understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. Instructor and students use Spanish as the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: SPN 112 , or two years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 150 - First Year Spanish - Accelerated, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Introduces the Spanish language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Hispanic culture (including geography, customs, daily life, heritage and literature), facilitated by the study of vocabulary, grammar, short readings and guided conversation. This course is equivalent to SPN 101  and the first half of SPN 102 . Spanish is the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 6
  • SPN 151 - First Year Spanish - Accelerated, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    ntroduces the Spanish language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Hispanic culture (including geography, customs, daily life, heritage and literature), facilitated by the study of vocabulary, grammar, short readings and guided conversation. This course is equivalent to the second half of SPAN102 and all of SPAN103. Spanish is the primary language of the class.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 150 , SPN 102 , or two years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 6
  • SPN 160 - Spanish for Educators

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Obtain the base of academic language to be a successful bilingual teacher in Spanish and English. Gain Spanish skills in academic topics of math, science and language arts, plus classroom management vocabulary and strategy. Ideal for Education majors.

    Prerequisite: SPN 103  with a grade of C or better; 3 years of high school Spanish; or equivalent experience. Instructor will assess student background when needed. Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 201 - Second Year Spanish, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary readings and an in-depth review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as a broadening of the student’s understanding of Hispanic culture. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 103 , SPN 151 , or three years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 202 - Second Year Spanish, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary readings and an in-depth review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as a broadening of the student’s understanding of Hispanic culture. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 201 , or four years of high school Spanish (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 203 - Second Year Spanish, Term 3

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary readings and an in-depth review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as a broadening of the student’s understanding of Hispanic culture. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 202 , or four years of high school Spanish (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 211 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for intermediate learners whose primary goal is increased basic communication in the language and an expanded understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills continue to be developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: SPN 113 , or two years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 212 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for intermediate learners whose primary goal is increased basic communication in the language and an expanded understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills continue to be developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: SPN 211 , or three years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 213 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation, Term 3

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Provides Spanish conversation for intermediate learners whose primary goal is increased basic communication in the language and an expanded understanding of Hispanic culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills continue to be developed with an emphasis on conversation, facilitated by the study of vocabulary and structure. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: SPN 212 , or three years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SPN 214 - Heritage Spanish 1

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Develops reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills that emphasize critical thinking and professional use of Spanish. Builds student identity and pride in Hispanic cultures, and deepens understanding and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity. All interaction takes place in Spanish. Offers students the opportunity to prepare for and obtain the Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better or consent of instructor, and Native Spanish speaker (grew up speaking Spanish at home). Students are expected to be familiar with the written language.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 215 - Heritage Spanish 2

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Develops reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills that emphasize critical thinking and professional use of Spanish. Builds student identity and pride in Hispanic cultures, and deepens understanding and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity. All interaction takes place in Spanish. Offers students the opportunity to prepare for and obtain the Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor, and Native Spanish speaker (grew up speaking Spanish at home). Students are expected to be familiar with the written language.
    Recommended: SPN 214  with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 216 - Heritage Spanish 3

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Develops reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills that emphasize critical thinking and professional use of Spanish. Builds student identity and pride in Hispanic cultures, and deepens understanding and appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity. All interaction takes place in Spanish. Offers students the opportunity to prepare for and obtain the Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instruction; and Native Spanish speaker (grew up speaking Spanish at home). Students are expected to be familiar with the written language.
    Recommended: SPN 215  with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
  • SPN 250 - Second Year Spanish-Accelerated, Term 1

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). Includes cultural and literary readings and an in-depth review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as a broadening of the student’s understanding of Hispanic culture. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 103 , SPN 151 , or three years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 6
  • SPN 251 - Second Year Spanish-Accelerated, Term 2

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Provides extensive practice in all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Includes cultural and literary readings and an in-depth review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary, as well as a broadening of the student’s understanding of Hispanic culture. All classroom interaction (both by instructor and students) takes place in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher); or completion of WR 090  (or concurrent enrollment), or WR 115  (or higher); or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Recommended: SPN 250 , SPN 202 , or four years of high school Spanish. (With a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 6

Social Science

  • SSC 100 - American Indian Languages

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Introduces the diversity and cultural contexts of American Indian Languages. Explores historic migrations, ways of word-borrowing, humor, and musical texts. Also covers gender issues, ecological concerns, spirituality and political views of their speakers combined with rudiments of linguistics, phonetics, writing systems and efforts to revitalize indigenous languages.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
  • SSC 285 - Dynamics of a Diverse Wrkplace

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Focuses on building diversity knowledge, intercultural experiences, and preparing for career entry in an increasingly diverse workplace. Introduces a broadly defined conceptualization of diversity, the vocabulary of difference, and fundamental core concepts associated with intercultural competency. Examines demographic trends, our changing communities, and employer expectations for intercultural competency.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSC 290 - Introduction to Research

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Focuses on the basic skills essential to ethical conduct of research in the biomedical and social sciences. Covers research misconduct, conflict of interest, use of human and non-human animal subjects in research, research collaboration, peer review, data acquisition and ownership, responsible authorship in publishing, the scientist as a responsible member of society, contemporary and historical issues in biomedical ethics, and the environment and societal impacts of scientific research.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; and consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4


  • WR 080 - Basic Writing

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Focuses on developing essential writing skills at the sentence and paragraph levels. Emphasizes fluency in the writing process through use of invention strategies, drafting, revising, and editing in order to produce organized and coherent writing

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 80; and concurrent enrollment in XWR 5350A; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
  • WR 088 - Introduction to Technical Writing 1

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Introduces basic writing tasks and conventions associated with technical fields. Improves basic writing skills needed for effective workplace communication and assignments in career and technical education (CTE) programs such as Automotive Technology, Machining, and Welding.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 088; or completion of WR 080  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: CA 121  with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
  • WR 089 - Introduction to Technical Writing 2

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Serves as the report writing class for a vocational (non-transfer) track of study. Features the writing of a variety of reports, emphasizing clarity, coherence, conciseness, and accuracy, with a specific audience addressed. Includes memos, laboratory reports, narration reports, description and definition reports, process reports, and research reports.

    Prerequisite: WR 088  with a grade of C or better; or equivalent course as determined by instructor; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
  • WR 090 - Fundamentals of Writing

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Builds on development of skills presented in WR 080 , and requires more complex writing and critical thinking skills.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 90,; or completion of WR 080  with grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 091 - Writing Essentials

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Details the fundamental structural components of writing. Primary focus is on parts of speech and sentence types. Secondary focus and eventual outcome is college-level editing skill.

Credit Hours: 1
  • WR 101 - Editing Strategies

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Covers punctuation and editing skills needed in upper level college writing courses and writing-intensive jobs. Course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 ; or completion of WR 090  (or higher), with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits.
Credit Hours: 1
  • WR 102 - APA Style Source Integration and Citation

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Covers APA style paper format, clear source integration, and citation as a supplement to upper level college writing and writing intensive courses requiring research papers.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 ; or completion of WR 090  (or higher), with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • WR 103 - MLA Style Source Integration and Citation

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Covers MLA style paper format, clear source integration, and citation as a supplement to upper level college writing and writing intensive courses requiring research papers.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115 ; or completion of WR 090  (or higher), with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • WR 115 - Introduction to Composition

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the expectations of college-level writing, reading, and thinking. Students will learn the conventions and skills of college-level writing, practice analyzing, responding to, and making use of college-level texts, and will learn to think about the many ways and reasons writing projects are created. They will produce multiple kinds of writing projects for a variety of purposes and audiences.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115; or completion of WR 090  with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 121 - Academic Composition

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    WR121, Academic Composition, focuses on college-level writing, reading, and thinking. Students will use the conventions and skills of college-level writing, including research and formal citations, to produce compositions including essays and at least one other genre, for a variety of purposes and audiences. The class will introduce multimodal composing strategies. Students will analyze, respond to, and make use of college-level texts. They will consider and reflect upon their own participation and the many ways and reasons compositions are created.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 121; or completion of WR 115  (or higher), with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 122 - Argument, Research, and Multimodal Communication

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Continues the focus of WR 121  in its review of rhetorical concepts and vocabulary, in the development of reading, thinking, and writing skills, along with metacognitive competencies understood through the lens of a rhetorical vocabulary. Specifically, students will identify, evaluate, and construct chains of reasoning, a process that includes an ability to distinguish assertion from evidence, recognize and evaluate assumptions, and select sources appropriate for a rhetorical task. Students will employ a flexible, collaborative, and appropriate composing process, working in multiple genres, and utilizing at least two modalities, one of which must be writing.

    Prerequisite: WR 121  with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 198A - Independent Studies: Writing

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Uses the college learning contract to provide student and instructor with a vehicle to allow independent study in an area of student interest.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; and consent of instructor.
    Repeatable: WR 198A may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits total.
Credit Hours: 1
  • WR 198B - Independent Studies: Writing

    Lecture Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 2

    Uses the college learning contract to provide student and instructor with a vehicle to allow independent study in an area of student interest.

    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.
    Repeatable: WR 198B may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits total.
Credit Hours: 2
  • WR 227 - Technical Writing

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Successful completion of WR 227 prepares students to produce instructive, informative, and persuasive documents. Technical documents, often based on complex information, aimed at well-defined and achievable outcomes. The purpose and target audience determine document design, style, vocabulary, sentence and paragraph structure, and visuals. WR 227 is grounded in rhetorical theory and focuses on producing usable, reader-centered content that is clear, concise, and ethical. Students will engage in gathering, reading, and analyzing information, work individually and in groups, and to learn strategies for effective communication in the digital, networked, global workplace.

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , or BA 214 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 240 - Creative Nonfiction

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of creative nonfiction, including memoir and researched essays; the process of creating nonfiction works; and the workshop system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Students will create and revise at least one new work of creative nonfiction, which may be either a short work or part of a longer project.

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , or WR 227 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 241 - Fiction

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of the short story, the process of creating short stories, and the workshop system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Includes the creation and revision of at least one new short story. (Note: Focuses on short stories rather than novels or portions of novels.)

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , WR 227 , or WR 240 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 242 - Poetry

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of poetry, the process of creating original poems, and the workshop system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Students will create and revise several new poems of their own.

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , WR 227 , WR 240 , or WR 241 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 243 - Playwriting

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of play scripts, the process of creating original short plays, and the play lab system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Students will create and review at least one new short play of their own.

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , WR 227 , WR 240 , WR 241 , or WR 242 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 244 - Advanced Fiction

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Further develops the techniques of creating and revising short fiction introduced in WR 241 , and examines in greater complexity the foundational theories of imaginative writing. Also examines current methods of finding print and electronic audiences for works of fiction. Employs a workshop format of presenting and critiquing student work.

    Prerequisite: WR 241 , WR 242 , or WR 243 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 250 - Writing for Children

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of children’s literature writing, including picture books, nonfiction books, and young adult fiction. Includes the process of creating children’s literature and the workshop system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Covers creating and revising one new work of children’s literature.

    Prerequisite: WR 121 , WR 122 , WR 227 , WR 240 , WR 241 , WR 242 , WR 243 , or WR 244 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated once for credit.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WR 262 - Screenwriting: Feature Films

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces the basic elements of the screenplay, the process of writing screenplays for feature-length films, and the workshop system used to share and discuss the work of peers. Includes reading a breadth of representative works, creating and revising the first act of a feature-length screenplay, and writing formal critical analyses.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 121  (or higher); or completion of WR 115  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
    Repeatable: Course may be repeated for a maximum of eight credits.
Credit Hours: 4

Women’s Studies

  • WS 101 - Introduction to Women’s Studies

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces Women’s Studies, feminism, and the concept of gender. Focuses on the lives and status of women in the U.S. society and explores how social institutions such as family, work, media, education, and health/medicine affect different groups of women. Explores issues of gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, size, and ability.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • WS 102 - Women of the World

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Examines women’s issues in a global context. Compares women’s lives from a cross-cultural perspective. Explores women’s lives within key social institutions. Focuses on human rights, globalization, environmental issues, and global stratification.

    Prerequisite: Placement into WR 115  (or higher), or completion of WR 090  (or higher) with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4

Applied Baccalaureate Foundations

  • ABF 401 - Writing and Research

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Practice effective research methods relevant to the workplace. Includes critical reading and analysis of information in order to design a variety of technical documents, including multimodal communication. Addresses ethical implications of technical writing in real-world contexts that require individual and collaborative problem-solving efforts. Significant focus on practical application of writing and research.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate program; completed AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6
  • ABF 402 - Public and Private Sector Business Finance

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Introduces different types of finance in business settings, calculating revenue, cost and profit. Introduces various aspects of accounting and marketing and provides business leaders with mathematical finance competencies needed to develop successful financial strategies.

    Prerequisite: MTH 105  or MTH 243  or higher or equivalent course as determined by instructor with a grade of C or higher; and admitted into Applied Baccalaureate program; completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5
  • ABF 404 - Communication for Leaders

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Explores key theories of effective communication and leadership to facilitate innovative and creative leadership in inclusive and productive environments. Centers on disciplined communication strategies that can improve performance in different leadership contexts, including with peers, upper management, and external stakeholders. Explores fundamental elements of communication, including written, oral and online messages, practice strategies for developing powerful messages in diverse types of presentation; and learning to develop a personal brand while leading diverse, collaborative teams.

    Prerequisite: Completion of WR 121  with a grade of C or better; entry into the Leadership Applied Baccalaureate Program; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5
  • ABF 405 - Principle Practice Sustain

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Provides participants with the knowledge and tools to become sustainable business leaders. Explores the different business models that companies can use to drive change. Explains why purpose-driven businesses are particularly well-positioned to sustainability. Participants will learn how to influence management and other key stakeholders on the competitive advantages of sustainability.

    Prerequisite: Entry into the Leadership Applied Baccalaureate Program; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5

Leadership Development

  • MLD 302 - Personal Effectiveness in Leadership

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Explores strength based leadership, establishing and using a growth mindset as a leader, and exploring who the student is as a leader and explores effectiveness of leaders and leadership.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate program; completed AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6
  • MLD 304 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Lecture Hours: 5.727272727
    Credit Hours: 6

    Create belonging among employees and foster an inclusive workplace.

    Prerequisite: Admission into the Bachelor of Science in Applied Leadership & Management; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6
  • MLD 350 - Innovation Development and Entrepreneurial Thinking

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Provides participants with the basics regarding innovation and entrepreneurship, market analysis and customer engagement as well as innovation for business development. Develops an understanding of the differences between innovation and entrepreneurship and how the two work in conjunction to create dynamic organizations. Participants will learn about the importance and relationship between the skillset, toolset and mindset of entrepreneurship. Explores the workforce for today and the future of creativity along with risk management tolerance required after implementation of new thinking.

    Prerequisite: Prerequisite:Admittance into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6
  • MLD 387 - Project Management

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Provides the foundation for understanding the concepts of successful project planning, organization, budgeting, implementation, and reporting. Explores recent case studies for utilization in developing their own plans for presentation. Develops project plans including the full life cycle of a project utilizing life-cycle analysis, working schedules, industry technologies, and budget evaluations.

    Prerequisite: Admittance into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6
  • MLD 410 - Sector Seminar 1

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Broaden and build leadership capacity and capability for creating, maintaining, and growing high engagement organizations. Explores individual, team and organization human dynamics, that impacts function, form, and systems. Understand skills that foster organizational human processes for development of high commitment organizations. Build individual capacity to lead, engage, and manage change in business management.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completed AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: Prior management experience.
Credit Hours: 4
  • MLD 420 - Sector Seminar 2

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Connect participants with key industry leaders in their sector. Develop connections to assist them throughout their careers in their industry. Develop strong relationships within the leadership of the industry sector they are involved in students will gain an advantage in the management level of their industry.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completed AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: Prior management experience.
Credit Hours: 4
  • MLD 430 - Applied Leadership 3

    Lecture Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 4

    Establish and foster relationships with key leaders in their industry sector and leverage these relationships to better understand leadership and management principles as used in industry. Develop their leadership philosophy and develop a management plan appropriate for their industry sector.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completed AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: Prior management experience.
Credit Hours: 4
  • MLD 481 - Applied Leadership 1

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Broadens and builds their leadership capacity and capability for creating, maintaining and growing high engagement work teams. Focused on individual, team and organization human dynamics that impacts function, form and systems is explored. Gains awareness for understanding skills that foster organizational human processes for development of high commitment work teams. Builds individual capacity to lead, engage and manage change in work teams.

    Prerequisite: Entry into the Applied Baccalaureate Program; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
    Recommended: Prior management experience.
Credit Hours: 5
  • MLD 482 - Applied Leadership 2

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Broaden leadership capacity and capability for creating, maintaining and growing high performance organizations. Focused on individual, team and organization human dynamics that impacts function, form and systems is explored. Understand skills that foster organizational human processes for development of high-performance organizations. Build individual capacity to lead, engage and manage change in multiple unit business entities.

    Prerequisite: Entry into the Applied Leadership Baccalaureate Program; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5
  • MLD 483 - Applied Leadership Capstone

    Lecture Hours: 5
    Credit Hours: 5

    Broaden and build leadership capacity and capability for creating, maintaining and growing high engagement organizations across multiple stakeholder groups. Focuses on individual, team and organization human dynamics, that impacts function, form and systems is explored. Gain awareness for understanding skills that foster organizational human processes for development of high commitment organizations. Build individual capacity to lead, engage and manage change in business management.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into the Applied Baccalaureate Program; or completion of AAS degree; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5

Networking Technology

  • NET 123 - Network Computer Operating Systems

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces network computer operating systems using the command line. Includes hands-on work with network computer operating systems in a structured lab environment.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101  with a grade of C or better; or equivalent experience as determined by instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • NET 141 - Network for Small Business

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 4

    The first course in a four part sequence teaches the skills needed to work in small-to-medium network environments. Develops entry-level skills needed by computer network technicians, cable installers, and industry network support technicians. Provides an introduction to networking and Internet connectivity, using tools and hardware commonly found in small-to-medium business and industrial networks. Lab exercises provide practical hands-on experience.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • NET 142 - Medium Business Networks

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 4

    The second course in a four-part sequence prepares students for jobs as network technicians; develops additional skills required for computer Network Support technicians. Includes an overview of routing and remote access, addressing, and security, network servers used for email services, web space, and authenticated access. Lab exercises provide practical hands-on experience.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • NET 143 - Routing and Switching Systems

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 4

    The third course in a four-part sequence familiarizes students with the equipment applications and protocols installed in enterprise networks. Focuses on switched networks, IP Telephony requirements, and security. Introduces advanced routing protocols such as Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and Open Shortest Path First protocol. Hands-on exercises, including configuration, installation, and troubleshooting, reinforce student learning.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • NET 144 - Network Design and Support

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 4

    The fourth course in a four-part sequence introduces students to network design processes using a large enterprise network and a medium-sized network. Students follow a standard design process to expand and upgrade each network, which includes requirements gathering, proof-of-concept, and project management. Lab exercises provide practical hands-on experience.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101  with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
  • NET 171 - Fundamentals of Wireless LANs

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 5

    Introduces the fundamentals of wireless LANs. Focuses on the design, planning, implementation, operation, and troubleshooting. Includes a comprehensive, hands-on overview of wireless LAN technologies, security, and design best practices. Prepares students to achieve the Cisco Wireless LAN Support Specialist designation.

    Prerequisite: NET 142  with a grade of C or better; or equivalent experience; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5
  • NET 261 - Fundamentals of Network Security

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 4
    Credit Hours: 5

    Explains network security processes and equipment with a hands-on emphasis. Covers security policy design and management; security technologies, solutions and products; security appliance firewalls and secure router design; and AAA and VPN implementation. Intended for people currently employed in the computer industry or computer technology instructors.

    Prerequisite: NET 154 with a grade of C or better; or current CCNA certification; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 5
  • NET 271 - IP Telephony

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduces Cisco IP Telephony, a converged voice and data network. Includes the challenges faced by these different technologies. Covers Voice over IP and Quality of Service concepts as they apply to the Cisco Call Manager Express environment.

Credit Hours: 4

Management General

  • MG 391 - Data Analytics for Leaders

    Lecture Hours: 6
    Credit Hours: 6

    Determine the best tool for turning data into a competitive advantage and to apply different models to data analysis. Explains how to make predictions using data. Understand tools and frameworks to build predictive models. Use business analytics to interpret and analyze data to serve customers better. Focuses on managerial decision making, machine learning and its business applications.

    Prerequisite: Admitted into Applied Baccalaureate Program; completion of AAS program; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 6

Study Skills

  • SSP 051 - Studying for College

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Focuses on effective learning strategies that are important for success in college. Covers getting organized, studying for and taking tests, and utilizing college resources

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 085 ; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
  • SSP 060 - Study Strategies for Learning Math

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Develops study skills critical for success in math courses.

    Corequisite: Enrollment in a math course.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSP 112 - Effective Learning

    Lecture Hours: 3
    Credit Hours: 3

    Develops active and effective learning strategies to meet learning challenges in academic and career settings. Develops metacognition, note taking, textbook study-reading, time management, test-taking and memory strategies. Identifies the importance of using campus and academic resources.

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 090 ; or, completion of RD 085 ; placement into WR 090 ; or, concurrent enrollment in WR 080 ; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Credit Hours: 3
  • SSP 115 - Applied Time Management

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Develops practical and efficient time management strategies.

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 090  or higher; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSP 116 - Applied Textbook Reading

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Develops practical and efficient textbook study reading strategies.

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 090  or higher; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSP 117 - Applied Note Taking

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Develops practical and efficient textbook and lecture note taking as well as listening strategies.

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 090  or higher; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSP 118 - Applied Test Taking

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Develops practical and efficient test taking strategies.

    Prerequisite: Placement into RD 090  or higher; or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
  • SSP 125 - Learning Strategies for Online Students

    Lecture Hours: 1
    Credit Hours: 1

    Online course prepares students to manage responsibilities and technology for online class success. Covers learning strategies and skills necessary to accomplish online goals.

Credit Hours: 1

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