Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2023-2024 
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission and Registration

Enrolling at Chemeketa

503.399.5006; Fax 503.399.3918

Chemeketa has an “open door” policy. In general, you may enroll in Chemeketa classes if you are 18 years of age or older and can benefit from the instruction. Complete the admission application online at and follow the enrollment steps.

Many of Chemeketa’s career and technical education programs have additional entry requirements that you must complete prior to starting the program. You may still be admitted to the as a certificate- or degreeseeking student while you are completing these entry requirements.

If you are an international student, see International Students.

If you are younger than 18 and do not have a high school diploma or GED certificate, you should contact the High School Partnerships office for information about underage admission. See Office of High School Partnerships .

If you have had a break in enrollment of longer than two years, you must reapply for admission.

New Student Orientation


Orientation is required for all new degree- or certificate seeking students. Complete new student orientation in My Chemeketa, on the “Advising” page under the “Services” tab.

Placement Assessment


If you are a new student pursuing a degree or certificate, you will be required to complete placement assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to determine your skill levels in reading, writing, and mathematics so you can select the classes that are right for you. Please visit the placement assessment website at for information about how to begin placement assessment.

Política de Acción Afirmativa

Chemeketa Community College prohíbe la discriminación basada en raza, color, religión, origen nacional, sexo, estado civil, discapacidad, estado de veterano protegido, edad, género, identidad de género, orientación sexual, embarazo, denunciante, información genética, víctima de abuso doméstico o cualquier otro estado protegido por la ley federal, estatal o local en cualquier área, actividad u operación del Colegio. El Colegio también prohíbe las represalias contra una persona por participar en actividad protegida bajo esta política, e interferir con los derechos o privilegios otorgados bajo las leyes federales, estatales o locales.

Según las políticas del Colegio, igualdad de oportunidades de empleo, admisión y participación en los programas del Colegio, servicios y actividades se extenderán a todas las personas, y el Colegio promoverá la igualdad de oportunidades y trato a través de la aplicación de sus políticas y otros esfuerzos del Colegio diseñados para ese propósito.

Las personas que tengan preguntas o inquietudes sobre el Título IX, que incluye discriminación por motivos de género, acoso sexual, violencia sexual, violencia interpersonal y acoso, comuníquese con el coordinador del Título IX al 503-584-7323, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97305, o Las personas también pueden comunicarse con el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU., Oficina de Derechos Civiles (OCR), 810 3rd Avenue #750, Seattle, WA 98104, 206.607.1600. Las personas que tengan preguntas o inquietudes relacionadas con la igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo o la acción afirmativa deben comunicarse con el Oficial de Acción Afirmativa al 503.399.2537, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem OR 97305.

Para solicitar esta publicación en un formato alternativo, llame al 503.399.5192.

Políticas de no acoso

La política del colegio también prohíbe el acoso ilegal. Las conductas relacionadas con las clases protegidas enumeradas anteriormente están prohibidas cuando:

  1. La sumisión a tal conducta se convierte, ya sea implícita o explícitamente, en un término o condición de empleo o desempeño académico; o
  2. La sumisión o el rechazo de tal conducta por parte de un individuo se utiliza como base para el empleo o el rendimiento académico; o
  3. Tal conducta es severa o generalizada y tiene el propósito o efecto de lo siguiente:
    • Interferir irrazonablemente con el trabajo o el desempeño académico de cualquier individuo; o
    • Crear un ambiente laboral o académico intimidante, hostil u ofensivo.

Las preguntas o quejas pueden dirigirse a Alice Sprague, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa, 4000 Lancaster Dr NE, P.O. Box 14007, Salem, Oregón 97309, 503.399.5009.

Hostigamiento Sexual y Declaración de Mala Conducta Sexual

Chemeketa también se compromete a brindar apoyo, recursos, y responsabilidad por los informes de acoso sexual, discriminación por motivos de género, agresión sexual, violencia en el noviazgo, violencia doméstica y acecho. Se recomienda a los estudiantes que se comuniquen con el coordinador de título IX, Jon Mathis, 503.584.7323 para presentar un informe y también puede optar por informar a la Oficina de Seguridad Pública y/o a la policía local.

Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de conducta sexual inapropiada de Chemeketa, visite

Academic Advising for New Students


Academic advising is required for all new, first-year, degree- or certificate-seeking students until successful completion of 30 or more Chemeketa credits of 100 level or higher classes (excluding College Credit Now). New students are required to meet with an academic advisor. Schedule an appointment in My Chemeketa, “Services,” “Advising.”



See “Steps to Register” in the Schedule of Classes for step-by-step procedures for registering for classes. Chemeketa has a priority registration schedule based on earned Chemeketa credits. Log in to My Chemeketa each term and check your registration status for the specific day and time you are eligible to register.

Students must be officially registered through the My Chemeketa registration system by the established registration deadlines listed in the Schedule of Classes.

You may not register if you owe the College money from previous terms, unless you make appropriate arrangements with Business Services on the Salem Campus. For more information, call 503.399.5011.

Class Loads


If you enroll in 12 or more credit hours, you are considered full-time for academic purposes.

Class Changes


Registration and drop deadlines are dependent on the term session for which you are enrolled. Check the Schedule of Classes for general deadlines. Specific course deadlines can be found in My Chemeketa. It is recommended that an academic advisor or counselor approve changes. You may incur additional fees or charges when making registration changes.

Enrollment Limitations

Even though Chemeketa has an open door policy, college staff or faculty cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to a particular program.

Enrollment in a class or program may be restricted because of accreditation requirements, limited staff, space, or equipment. Many career and technical education programs have special admission requirements before students can be admitted into the program.

Please apply early for all programs, especially for career and technical education programs that limit enrollment or have special admission requirements (see Career Choices ).

If you have questions about program requirements, contact the academic department directly.

Dual Enrollment Programs

Chemeketa has partnered with four-year universities to provide dual enrollment and admission programs that ease the transition from community college to university. These programs offer students the opportunity to complete one application process for both Chemeketa and the university.

We offer programs with Oregon State University, Oregon Tech, Portland State University, and Western Oregon University. Once accepted to the program, other benefits include access to academic advising, library services, student housing, flexible scheduling for classes, free transcripts, and coordinated financial aid for eligible students. Admission to these programs is initiated at the 4-year partner school. More information is available at and click on the Dual Enrollment link.

Dropping or Withdrawing from Classes


Courses dropped by the deadline to receive a refund (generally the first two weeks of the term for full-term courses) will not result in a mark on your academic record. Your student account will be credited and you may receive a refund. See more information in the refunds policy section under “Money Matters.” Specific drop and withdrawal deadlines are listed in My Chemeketa under the course section details. Drop and withdrawal dates will vary for classes shorter than full term.

A “W” mark will appear on your student transcript for any class withdrawn after the refund deadline. Courses marked with a “W” are not reflected in grade point average (GPA) or total credits calculated. The last day to withdraw from classes without responsibility for a grade is typically at the end of the sixth week of each term for full-term courses.

If you decide to drop or withdraw from a course, you should do so online using your My Chemeketa account. If you are unable to drop or withdraw due to a hold on your account, please resolve the issue with the department that has placed your hold, you may view your holds in the “Account Holds” section of My Chemeketa.

If you stop attending your class(es) without following the drop or withdrawal procedures mentioned above, you are responsible for tuition and fees and the final grades you receive.

No Show Drop

If you cannot attend the first class session, you must contact your instructor and come to an agreement for your attendance. For online courses, you must participate (log in to the course) by Thursday of the first week of term.

If you do not contact your instructor, you will be dropped. If the College drops you, you will be notified through your student email account. Note: This may affect your eligibility for tuition assistance if you are a veteran, on financial aid, or sponsored by an agency.


The Oregon Health Authority requires students born on or after January 1, 1957, participating in practicum experiences in allied health, early childhood education and intercollegiate sports to show that they’ve been vaccinated against measles. If enrolling in health programs, you may also be required to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) TDAP (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), Varicella. For more information about these requirements, contact the dean or representative who oversees the program in which you plan to participate.

International Students


Each year about 75 international students attend Chemeketa. Representing a variety of cultures and ethnicities, they come from more than 30 different countries. International students may enroll in any career and technical education program or college transfer program. Many students receive English language training through the Chemeketa Language and Culture Institute before they enter college-level programs.

Chemeketa offers a range of services and activities to help international students get started and succeed. Some of these services include: an orientation program, conversation tables, advising, career development and volunteer opportunities, housing assistance, writing center, academic tutoring, leadership training, educational excursions, and clubs.

If you are a citizen of another country, you may enter the College at the start of any term. Chemeketa has special application materials and deadlines for international students on the College’s website.

Please apply as early as possible so you can get assistance in understanding the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and college requirements for admissions.

U.S. government regulations require that all full-time international students on an F-1 Visa have proof that you have the financial ability to pay for the length of your program. You will also need a health insurance plan that meets specific requirements. Do not purchase other medical insurance plans. Chemeketa has chosen a high-quality, reasonably-priced insurance policy that meets the requirements.

Chemeketa provides a world of learning for all its students. You are invited to join others and experience Chemeketa. For more information, contact International Admissions at 1.503.399.2527 or