Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog 2023-2024 
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Paying for College


Payment Information

Tuition and fees are charged to your student account when you register, and payment is due before the first day of the term (to avoid a late fee). The College offers multiple payment options for tuition and fee charges, including credit card, cash, check, and automated payment plans. For more information, refer to the current term Schedule of Classes or visit

Late Payment Fees

Late payment fees are assessed beginning the first day of each term and periodically throughout the term. See the term late fee schedule published in the current term Schedule of Classes or at

Failure to Pay

A past due account may result in denial of future College services including registration, withholding of transcripts, denial of future credit, impairment of credit history, and additional assessment of collection charges and attorney fees.

By registering for any class at Chemeketa, you acknowledge that tuition, fees, and other applicable charges incurred will be considered an educational loan between yourself and Chemeketa Community College that is non-dischargeable under Section 523(a)(8) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. You further agree that, if you fail to make any payments as prescribed above, your student account may be submitted to a collection agency and applicable collection charges may be added to your account balance due. In case legal action is instituted to collect on your account, you agree to pay, in addition to the costs and disbursements provided by law, such additional sums as a court of law may determine as reasonable for attorney’s fees and court costs. Oregon state law applies to any dispute over payment and charges due.​

Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2016

In accordance with Title 38, U.S.C., Section 3679(c), Chemeketa Community College will charge no active duty military member, veteran, or eligible dependent who is receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) funding tuition and fees at a rate greater than that charged a resident student.

Refund Policy-How Our Refunds Work

If the College cancels a class or you drop a class by the refund deadline, which is generally the Friday of the second week of the term for full-term classes, the full cost of the class will be credited to your student account and refunded in the order listed below.

Less than full-term classes have a shorter refund period. Review the specific course drop deadlines online in the searchable class schedule.

You will not receive a refund or credit toward another class for any classes dropped after the end of the refund period.

Refund credits from dropped courses will first apply to any outstanding amounts due on your student account. Refunds are processed beginning the third week of each term and are credited back to the original source of payment as follows:

  • For classes paid by credit card, refunds are credited back to the credit card
  • For classes paid by check or through the automated payment plan (NelNet), refunds are issued as a check or direct deposit
  • For classes paid by third party or agency payments, refunds are issued to the original payor
  • For classes paid by financial aid resources, credits will be reviewed by the Financial Aid department and may be applied to offset financial aid resources. Any remaining refund authorized by Financial Aid will be issued as a refund check or direct deposit.

Refunds are not issued for amounts under $5.

Changes in the number of hours for which you are registered may affect your financial aid, agency, or veteran’s benefits.

Other Costs and Fees


The cost of books and supplies for full-time students is about $325 per term. In some of Chemeketa’s programs, you will also have to provide your own tools, equipment, and uniforms. These costs are included in the descriptions of career and technical education programs on see Career Choices and Programs of Study.

Fees also vary by the course; this information is included in the course descriptions in this catalog.

Veterans’ Services-Educational Benefits


Our Veterans’ Services office in Bldg. 2 on the Salem Campus provides information and assistance to veterans and eligible dependents on how to apply for, receive, and maintain eligibility for all Veterans Affairs (VA) educational programs.

The Veterans’ Services office will assist you in requesting an initial determination of eligibility for VA educational benefits and electronically submitting your benefit request each term. Courses you receive benefits for must be required for your declared Chemeketa degree or certificate as outlined in the College’s academic catalog.

We monitor class registration, changes in enrollment status, applicability of classes taken toward program completion, and your grades. We will notify VA of any changes that impact benefit payment status and amounts.

Students using any type of federal VA education benefit, including Vocational Readiness and Employment, are required to have all prior college credit evaluated. This includes evaluation of your official military training transcript, if applicable. Transcripts will be evaluated and credit given where possible to meet the requirements of your Chemeketa degree or certificate. It is your responsibility to request official transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended and submit them to our Admission office. This includes schools attended where VA benefits were not received.

You must also complete and submit a Request for Evaluation and Transfer of Previous Credit. Students receiving VA educational benefits may receive benefits for a maximum of two terms while waiting for their transcript evaluation to be completed. Your prior credit evaluation must be complete before subsequent terms are certified for VA benefits.

How to Stay Eligible

To continue to receive VA educational benefits, you are required to complete and pass all classes you receive benefits for and maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA).

Additional Information

Your monthly benefit payment is based on the VA educational program you are using and the number of credits you register for each term. You may be required to repay some or all of the GI Bill®, benefits you have received if you withdraw from a class after the term begins. All questions regarding GI Bill® benefits and Veteran Readiness & Employment benefits should be directed to the Veterans’ Services staff at 503.399.5004 or by email to

(GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs.)

Financial Aid


Financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and employment is available to eligible students who need assistance to attend school. Information on financial aid programs can be found in this publication, on the Financial Aid office’s website, and at the Financial Aid office on the Salem Campus, Bldg. 2, Rm. 200.

Are You Eligible?

To qualify for federal financial aid, you must:

  • Be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen
  • Have a high school diploma, a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, or have completed a home-school program at the secondary level
  • Be registered with the Selective Service, if required
  • Be admitted and enrolled in coursework towards an eligible certificate or degree
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan or owe a repayment of federal financial aid of any type
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress

To qualify for financial aid from the state of Oregon, you must meet all the criteria above, except some Oregon-based financial aid programs are open to non-citizens who are residents of Oregon. Students ineligible for federal aid, but potentially eligible for Oregon-based financial aid, should apply for financial aid using the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA).

How and when to apply?

You should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at as soon as possible each year after Oct. 1. If you are ineligible for federal financial aid, but are a resident of Oregon, you can complete the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) at as soon as possible each year after Oct. 1. Applications can be filed later in the year, but some funding is limited and may be exhausted.

You should file your FAFSA or ORSAA no later than three months prior to the term in which you plan to start receiving financial aid. Specific recommended timelines are posted to the financial aid website annually. If you apply less than three months prior to the term, you should be prepared to pay for your tuition, fees, and books with your own money while your financial aid application is processed.

Once Chemeketa receives your FAFSA record, we will post any necessary requirements in the financial aid section of My Chemeketa and email you at your Chemeketa email address to notify you of receipt of your FAFSA and to check your financial aid requirements in My Chemeketa. You must submit all requirements before a financial aid offer can be made to you.

Once all requirements have been submitted, your file reviewed, and a financial aid offer generated, we will email you at your Chemeketa email address with instructions on how to review and accept or decline each type of financial aid.

Questions? Call for information.


Salem Campus Information Center

Chemeketa’s Information Center is located in Advising and Counseling on the first floor of Building 2 on the Salem Campus. Staff can answer your questions about room locations, activities, workshops, meetings, and instructional staff office locations.

Other Locations:

  • Brooks Area • 503.485.2131
  • Center for Business and Industry (CCBI) • 503.399.5181
  • Chemeketa Online • 503.399.7873
  • Polk Area • 503.623.5567 or 503.399.5206
  • High School Partnerships • 503.399.5293
  • Woodburn Area • 503.981.8820 or 503.399.5207
  • Yamhill Valley Area • 503.472.9482 or 503.399.5219

What type of financial aid is available?

Financial aid is money offered to help you pay for tuition, fees, books, supplies, rent, food, transportation, and personal expenses related to attending school in an eligible degree or certificate program at Chemeketa.

There are four types of financial aid programs available: grants, loans, work-study, and scholarships. These funds come from various sources. Program details, including eligibility criteria and dollar amounts, may differ from the following descriptions if applicable laws or regulations governing the programs change after publication of this material.


Grants are mostly awarded on the basis of financial need. Grants do not have to be repaid after leaving school. Student financial aid offers include grant funds whenever student eligibility and funding levels permit. Funding for the grant programs administered at Chemeketa come from the U.S. Department of Education and the state of Oregon.

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant program offers awards from $0-$2,465 per term depending on your level of financial need demonstrated on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Pell Grant is the first type of federal financial aid awarded to eligible students with other aid awarded after consideration of Pell Grant eligibility. Students who have already earned a Bachelor’s Degree are ineligible for Federal Pell Grant. There is a lifetime limit of the equivalent of 18 full-time quarters of Pell Grant. You apply for the Pell Grant each year by completing a new FAFSA.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

SEOG awards are federally funded and are offered to students with exceptional financial need. Students who receive a Federal Pell Grant are the first group of students considered for SEOG. SEOG awards range up to $900 per year. You apply for SEOG each year by completing a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Oregon Opportunity Grant

The Oregon Opportunity Grant offers awards of up to $1,200 per term to residents of Oregon who demonstrate financial need as determined annually by the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC). You must have lived in Oregon for at least one year and be enrolled at least half-time (six credits).

Funding for this program is available during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms; there is no funding for Summer term. Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree are ineligible for Oregon Opportunity Grant.

There is a lifetime limit of the equivalent of 12 full-time quarters for the Oregon Opportunity Grant. You apply for the Oregon Opportunity Grant each year by completing a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if you are eligible for federal aid. Residents of Oregon who are ineligible for federal aid may apply for the Oregon Opportunity Grant by completing the ORSAA.

Oregon Promise Grant

The Oregon Promise Grant provides grant funding to eligible students who enter college within six months after completing a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) certificate. A separate application for the Oregon Promise Grant is required and available at

Grants range from $300-$1,180 per term at Chemeketa. You must have lived in Oregon for at least one year and be enrolled at least half-time (six credits). Funding for this program is available during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms; there is no funding for Summer term.

You apply for the Oregon Promise Grant by completing the application and either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA), as appropriate.

Eligibility for funding under this program ends once you have attempted 90 or more college credits, from any source, at any time (including credits earned in high school). This program may have an eligibility cutoff based on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) due to funding levels. Visit for the most current eligibility criteria.


Federal Direct Student Loan Program (Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans)

To be eligible for any student loan, you must be enrolled at least half-time (six or more credits). Prior to disbursement of a student loan, you must complete Entrance Loan Counseling from the U.S. Department of Education at Additionally, you must complete a valid Master Promissory Note (MPN) with the U.S. Department of Education online at studentaid. gov. The MPN serves as your legal agreement that you understand you have accepted loan funds and you agree to repay them. The MPN contains detailed information about the terms and conditions of the loan and your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.

You may be offered student loans to help cover your educational costs. You are encouraged to borrow the least amount of money possible to fund your education. To qualify for any student loans, you must file a valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. The amount of loan funding you are eligible for depends on factors such as your enrollment level, cost of attendance, program of study, number of credits completed, and dependency status on the FAFSA.

The chart below lists the maximum loan amounts offered per year; not all students are eligible for the maximum amounts. The College determines the amount of your student loan offer based on eligibility rules. The College maintains the right to refuse to create or to limit the amount of student loan available to any student on a case-by-case basis.

There are aggregate limits on the student loan programs. You may not borrow more than:

  • $31,000 for dependent students, of which no more than $23,000 may be in subsidized loan
  • $57,500 for independent students, of which no more than $23,000 may be in subsidized loan

Interest rates on student loans are fixed for the life of the loan. Interest rates are reset annually on July 1 for loans first disbursed after that date. The interest rate on student loans for undergraduate students for loans first disbursed from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, is 5.50%. For the most current rates, visit

Student loans have an origination fee withheld from the proceeds of the loan. Loan fees are changed each Oct. 1. The origination fee for student loans first disbursed from Oct. 1, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2024, is 1.057%. For the
most current fees, visit

Students borrowing their first student loan will have the proceeds of the loan delayed until 30 days of the term has passed. Students borrowing a loan for one term only will receive half of the proceeds at the time of first disbursement and the second half of the loan once the midpoint of the term has passed.

Loan repayment on Federal Direct Student Loans begins six months after you cease to be enrolled at least half-time (six credits). Online exit loan counseling must be completed at at the time you cease to be enrolled at least half-time.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

Students must demonstrate financial need to qualify for the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan. The Federal Direct Subsidized Loan has the interest paid (subsidized) by the U.S. government while you are in school at least half-time and during times of deferment and grace period.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans are available to students who do not qualify, in whole or in part, for the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan. Student borrowers are responsible for the interest on these loans, which begins to accrue on the date of disbursement. Interest that is not paid while the student is in school or during the grace period will be capitalized (added to the principal balance of the loan) when repayment begins.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan

The Federal Direct PLUS Loan is a loan option for parents of dependent students. Loan amounts are limited to the cost of attendance minus any estimated financial assistance the student will receive. Parents interested in applying for the Federal Direct PLUS Loan must apply for the loan at The loan requires a credit check and is not available to borrowers with an adverse credit history. Current interest rates and fees for the Federal Direct PLUS Loan can be found at Repayment of Federal Direct PLUS Loans begins 60 days after the final disbursement of the loan.

Alternative Student Loans

Privately-funded student loans from a bank or a credit union are not based on financial need and no federal formula is applied to determine eligibility. However, the amount borrowed cannot exceed the cost of attendance minus other estimated financial aid. Interest rates, fees, and repayment terms vary widely but are generally less favorable than Federal Direct Student Loans. Alternative student loans can be used to supplement the federal financial aid programs when the cost of education minus federal financial aid still leaves unmet costs. Students interested in applying for an alternative student loan would do so directly with a bank or credit union.


Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program provides part-time job opportunities on campus for students with financial need. The amount a student may earn is determined by College policy and fund availability. Students earn an hourly wage based on the type of work, their skills, and their experience. Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session.

Federal Work-Study funds typically range up to $2,000 per term at Chemeketa. Eligible students are selected for Federal Work-Study based on their answer to the Federal Work-Study screening question on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), financial need, and timing of application.

Students interested in Federal Work-Study who did not receive that funding type in their financial aid offer may contact the Financial Aid Office to be placed on a waiting list should additional funds become available. There is no guarantee that students offered Federal Work-Study will find a job placement or earn the full amount of their Federal Work-Study allocation.

Part-Time Employment

Chemeketa may have job opportunities available to students enrolled half-time (six credits) or more

  Dependent Students on FAFSA Independent Students on FAFSA
Credits Completed Maximum Subsidized Loan Additional Unsubsidized Loan Maximum Total Loan Maximum Subsidized Loan Additional Unsubsidized Loan Maximum Total Loan
0-35 $3,500 $2,000 $5,500 $3,500 $6,000 $9,500
36+ $4,500 $2,000 $6,500 $4,500 $6,000 $10,500

About this catalog

Chemeketa publishes this catalog to give you-our students and the public-current information about the college.

We make every effort to be sure that this information is accurate at the time of publication; however, sometimes, the college finds it necessary to make changes before the next catalog is printed. These changes may affect the costs, college policies and procedures, the calendar, and some curricula and courses.

Therefore, we do not consider the catalog as a hard and fast contract between you and the college; rather, we are trying to give as much relevant information as possible to those who may use our services.

The most current information on Chemeketa’s programs and services can always be found on the college’s web site:

regardless of Federal Work-Study eligibility. Pay varies based on the type of work, employee’s skills, and experience. No FAFSA is required. Contact our Human Resources office for more information.

The Chemeketa Career Center maintains listings of job opportunities in the community for interested students. Pay varies depending on the employer, type of work, employee’s skills, and experience. No FAFSA is required. Contact our Career Center for more information.

Foundation Scholarships


If money is standing between you and your Chemeketa education, the College’s foundation has scholarships and assistance funds available. The Chemeketa Community College Foundation administers over 150 different scholarship and assistance funds for Chemeketa students. The Foundation’s universal online scholarship application simplifies the application process and is open during the Winter term each year for the following academic year. Assistance and Emergency Funds are available upon request. More information can be found at or contact us at

Chemeketa Scholars

Chemeketa Scholars is a tuition scholarship for recent, high-achieving high school graduates or home-schooled students. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition at Chemeketa for up to two years. For more information about eligibility requirements, the application process, and other important information, visit

How to Maintain Financial Aid Eligibility

To maintain eligibility for financial aid, you must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. Federal regulations (34 CFR 668.34) require you to move toward the completion of a degree or certificate within an eligible program when receiving financial aid. Specific requirements for academic progress for financial aid recipients are applied differently than College academic standards (warning, probation, and denied). Federal regulations state that Satisfactory Academic Progress standards must include a review of all periods of enrollment, regardless of whether or not aid was received. You must meet all the minimum standards in order to receive financial aid.

Evaluation of Financial Aid Eligibility

  • Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) are applied at the end of every term to determine eligibility for the following academic term. SAP standards are calculated using the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion rate. You must maintain an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher and a completion rate of 67% or more.
  • Students in good standing will be placed on financial aid warning if they have not met the standards of SAP. If you are on warning, you will need to meet the cumulative 2.0 GPA requirement and complete all classes during the following term to retain your aid eligibility.
  • On financial aid warning, you will need to have a cumulative 2.0 GPA and an overall completion rate of 67% the following term or you will be placed into denied status. While on denied, you may need to attach an Academic Plan that is signed off on by an advisor or counselor to the Academic Progress Appeal. If an appeal is granted, you will be placed on probation for the following term.
  • If you use financial aid and either officially withdraw or do not complete any credits, you will automatically be placed on denied status and are ineligible for further financial aid. You will need to raise your GPA and/or completion rate to meet the minimum SAP requirements to regain financial aid eligibility or appeal your financial aid denied status, if applicable.
  • The evaluation period will be based on attendance in all prior term(s), including transfer credits and all classes attempted whether federal aid was received or not. SAP will be reviewed after each term. Your cumulative GPA and completion ratio must meet the minimum standards or you will be placed on warning, if appropriate, or denied.
  • Credits evaluated will include credits attempted at Chemeketa, transfer credits accepted by Chemeketa, and courses funded through consortium agreement.
  • If you are on probation and following an approved appeal plan, you will be evaluated according to the agreed upon terms of the appeal.
  • If you do not meet the standards of SAP, you will be notified via your My Chemeketa email and your status will be available on My Chemeketa under the “Financial Aid” tab.
  • You may follow the appeal process or the reinstatement procedures as outlined in the Appeal Process and Reinstatement of Financial Aid sections below. You will not have eligibility for any further federal aid at Chemeketa until you have met the standards of SAP or have been granted an appeal approval.


You must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must complete 67% of all credits attempted with a passing grade
  2. You must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA
  3. You must complete your program of study within a 150% time frame of your degree or eligible certificate program. For example, if a program is 90 credit hours, you must complete all required coursework within 135 hours. This includes repeated grades and college preparatory coursework.

Note: Grades of F, I, NP, and X and courses not yet graded are considered attempted but not meeting progress standards for the purposes of financial aid.

Maximum Time Frame Eligibility

  • If you have attempted more than 150% of the credits required for your program of study, you are not considered to be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards and are ineligible for financial aid funds.
  • If you are seeking a second degrees or double major, you are monitored like any other students under this policy. If, or when, you exceed the maximum time frame allowed for your respective programs, you may appeal if you have mitigating circumstances. All transfer hours accepted by Chemeketa will be included when determining maximum time frame eligibility.
  • You may file a Maximum Credit Hour Appeal. The Financial Aid office will make a decision regarding approval or denial of the appeal.
  • In most cases if you have a bachelor’s degree or higher, you will be considered to have exhausted maximum time frame eligibility. These will be looked at on a case-by-case basis in order for a decision to be made regarding financial aid eligibility. All Chemeketa credits and all transfer credits will be counted.

Repeated, Audited, Consortium, Remedial Courses, Enrollment

  • Financial aid eligibility will include repeating a course if you earned prior credit for the course with a grade of a D or F. Any class can be repeated and paid for two times only. All classes taken must be counted as attempted classes.
  • Audited courses, continuing education, credit by examination, and any credit for prior learning option (as outlined in the catalog) are excluded when determining eligibility for financial aid.
  • Courses funded through a consortium agreement are included in determining academic progress.
  • All attempted remedial credits will be included when evaluating Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). A maximum of 45 remedial credit hours may be funded.
  • Enrollment in any part of term will be considered in the respective Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring term for SAP.

Appeal Process

If you lost financial aid eligibility due to extenuating circumstances, you may file an Academic Progress Appeal.

  • Extenuating circumstances that may be considered include: personal illness or accident, serious illness or death within immediate family, or other circumstances beyond your reasonable control.
  • All appeals must be in writing to the Financial Aid office and must include appropriate documentation.
  • Examples of documentation that could be included: an obituary notice, divorce decree, or a letter from a physician, attorney, social services agency, employer, etc. Letters from friends and family members do not meet the standards for appropriate documentation.
  • The condition or situation must be resolved, the resolution of which will allow the student the ability to complete coursework successfully. If the condition or situation is not resolved, an appeal will not be granted.
  • The outcome of an appeal may include a denial or probationary period.
  • You will be notified via your My Chemeketa email of the results of the appeal and any restrictions or conditions pertaining to your appeal.

The decision on the Academic Progress Appeal is final and there are no additional appeals. If the decision is to uphold the denial, you may not submit any subsequent requests for funding consideration. In order to regain eligibility for financial aid, you would need to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards or meet specific criteria outlined in the appeal response. Students who do not meet the terms of financial aid probation may permanently lose eligibility for federal student aid at Chemeketa.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility

  • If you lose financial aid eligibility, you may be reinstated if your appeal is approved or after you have taken classes to meet the minimum requirements of a 2.0 GPA and a cumulative completion rate of 67% of all credit hours being evaluated.
  • You must be able to complete your degree or certificate within the 150% time frame.
  • It is your responsibility to notify the Financial Aid office when this condition has been met.
  • After exhausting the 150% time frame and your appeal, you cannot be reinstated for financial aid at Chemeketa.

What happens if I withdraw from classes or receive all F grades after receiving financial aid?

As a result of the Higher Education Act amendments of 1998, if you completely withdraw from classes, receive all F’s, or do a combination of both during the term, you may be required to repay a percentage of the Title IV financial aid funds received.

The federal regulations assume that students “earn” their financial aid over the course of a term by attending and participating in classes. You cannot “earn” all of your financial aid unless you attend and/or academically participate in more than 60% of the term. This calculation counts all calendar days, including the first and last day of each term, weekends, and holidays. A student who completes more than 60% of the term has earned all of their financial aid assistance.

If you withdraw or stop attending before 60% of the term, you have not “earned” all of your financial aid funds. Federal regulations require the College to perform a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation to determine the amount of any unearned aid you received that must be returned to the federal programs.

EXAMPLE: If you withdraw after completing 30% of the term, you will have “earned” only 30% of the Title IV financial aid, the remaining 70% must be returned.

If you fail to receive a passing grade in any class, you are considered unofficially withdrawn and the midpoint (50%) of the term is used to determine the amount of funding that must be repaid.

The Financial Aid office will review official records periodically throughout the term and at the end of each term for student withdrawals. The College returns funds to financial aid programs received in the following order:

  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loan*
  • Subsidized Federal Direct Student Loan*
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan*
  • Federal Pell Grant**
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)**
  • Other Title IV Funds**
         *Federal loans are repaid under the terms and conditions of the Master Promissory Note (MPN)
         **Amounts to be returned by you to federal grant programs will be reduced by 50% of the total grant aid disbursed

You will be mailed a written copy of the withdrawal calculations, showing the amount of unearned aid the school will refund from institutional costs and the amount you must pay. You have 45 days from the date of the bill to pay the amount shown in full or to make arrangements with the Financial Aid office for a payment plan. If the amount is not paid, or if arrangements are made for a payment plan but payments are not made as scheduled, the balance will be turned over to the U.S. Department of Education for collections.

Tuition Waiver for 65+ Eligibility

  • You must be an Oregon resident.
  • You must be 65 years old or older at the beginning of the term in which the course is offered.
  • Space must be available in the course as determined by the instructor and the department.
  • The course must be a lower-division collegiate course 100 or 200 level (e.g. ART 101, SPN 111, WR 227, etc.).
  • The course prerequisites must be satisfied prior to enrollment.
  • The course must be taken as an audit; and
  • The maximum costs to be covered by an approved tuition waiver each term is the cost of eight credits. You must pay for all course fees.


Class-See course.

Course-A course is a subject or an instructional subdivision of a subject, usually offered during a single term.

Credit Hour-The number of credit hours granted for each course varies. In general, a student earns one credit for a lecture class that meets one hour per week per term, or three credits for a lecture class that meets three
hours per week.

Courses with labs and some other courses may vary from this pattern.

The Course Description section of this catalog lists the value of each course in credit hours.

Curriculum-An organized program of study arranged to provide integrated cultural or professional education leading to a certificate or degree.

Elective-A required, non-specific course.

Sequence-Closely related courses extending through three terms.

Term-Approximately one quarter of the academic year. Fall, winter and spring terms range in length from 11 to 12 weeks. Summer term runs for eight weeks.