Mar 06, 2025
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ELT 132 Electronic Concepts 2 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Credits: 4
Covers atomic and alternating current (AC) electrical theory applicable to resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Stresses reactive circuit theorems used for circuit analysis.
Prerequisite: ELT 131 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Corequisite: MTH 112Z or MTH 082 . Student Learning Outcomes:
- Apply electric circuit analysis techniques to resistive, capacitive, and inductive DC and AC circuits.
- Construct circuits to verify theories.
- Operate electronic test equipment, specifically: oscilloscopes, digital and analog multimeters, function generators, multiple DC power supplies.
Content Outline
- Magnetic and Electromagnetic Theory and Units
- The Magnetic Field, Laws of Magnetic Poles, and Permanent Magnets
- Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Devices
- Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz’s Law, and Faraday’s Law
- Alternating Voltage and Current
- The Sine Wave and Sinusoidal AC Voltage Generation
- Voltage and Current Values of Sine Waves
- Frequency, Period, and Angular Measurement of Sine Waves
- Introduction to Oscilloscope and Function Generator Usage
- Introduction to Phasors and Complex Numbers
- Phasors
- Complex Number System
- Rectangular and Polar Notations and Operations
- Capacitors, Capacitance, and Capacitive Reactance
- Capacitor Construction, Types, Units, and Parameters
- Capacitance in Series and Parallel
- Capacitors in DC Circuits and Universal RC Time Constant
- Capacitors in AC Circuits and Capacitive Reactance
- Inductors, Inductance, and Inductive Reactance
- Inductor Construction, Types, Units, and Parameters
- Inductance in Series and Parallel
- Inductors in DC Circuits and Universal L/R Time Constant
- Inductors in AC Circuits and Inductive Reactance
- Opposition in AC Circuits - Capacitors and Resistors
- Capacitance Opposition to Changing Voltage
- Capacitive Reactance - Capacitive Opposition to AC
- Series and Parallel Capacitive Reactances
- Capacitive Phase Angle and Phasors
- Capacitive Reactance and Resistance in Series
- Impedance of Series RC Circuits
- Frequency Effects in Series RC Circuits
- Opposition in AC Circuits - Inductors and Resistors
- Inductance Opposition to Changing Current
- Inductive Reactance - Inductive Opposition to AC
- Series and Parallel Inductive Reactances
- Inductive Phase Angle
- Inductive Reactance and Resistance in Series
- Impedance of Series RL Circuits
- Practical Inductors
- Frequency Effects in Series RL Circuits
- Opposition in Parallel AC Circuits
- Inductors and Resistors in Parallel
- Conductance, Susceptance, Admittance
- Impedance of Parallel RL Circuits
- Frequency Effects on Parallel RL Circuits
- Capacitors and Resistors in Parallel
- Impedance of Parallel RC Circuits
- Frequency Effects on Parallel RC Circuits
- Power in AC Series and AC Parallel Circuits
- Resistive (Average, True), Reactive, and Apparent Power
- Power in Series and Parallel RC Circuits
- Power in Series and Parallel RL Circuits
- The Power Triangle
- Power Factor and Power Factor Correction