Mar 14, 2025
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HS 213 Multicultural Issues Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3
Examines the effects of cultural differences on the client and human service provider. Increases awareness of cultural differences and the skills to develop and apply appropriate intervention strategies in cross-cultural situations. Focuses on course group work as a method to navigate cross-cultural interactions.
Prerequisite: HS 150 and HS 155 each with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor. Student Learning Outcomes:
- Increase awareness and knowledge of cultural differences, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic society.
- Identify and examine personal biases, assumptions, values, attitudes, and limitations and how these can effect cross-cultural relationships.
- Explain social, political, and historical factors that confront racial, ethnic, and other cultural groups.
- Make associations of how privilege and power relations in U.S. society are inextricably interrelated with racial, ethnic, and cultural group membership.
- Explore various racial, ethnic, and cultural groups and examine their influence on members’ worldview.
- Develop the skills to respond in culturally appropriate ways to work effectively across cultures.
- Describe personal biases, past experiences and potential areas of conflict related to counseling cross-culturally.
- Identify the student’s own group memberships and identities and describe how these might influence his/her work with clients who are similar and different.
Content Outline
- Definition and Exploration and Examination
- Culture and its influence on reality and worldviews
- Ethnic, racial, and cultural identity
- Racism and the social construction of race
- Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, ability status, and discrimination
- Privilege, power, and oppression
- Stereotyping and generalization
- Cultural Self-Identity and Assessment
- Effect of Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural issues on Cross-Cultural Relationships on the Helping Process
- Development of Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
- Development of Various Helping Styles and Approaches to Cross-Cultural Situations