Mar 13, 2025
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Associate of Arts/Oregon Transfer Degree in Elementary Education (AAOT-ED)

Through a combination of select education courses, practicum experience and general education classes, students will experience a career in teaching from the very beginning and be prepared to successfully transfer to a university to complete their bachelor’s degree.
Program Outcomes:
- Apply critical thinking to anaylze social issues to support the function of public education.
- Demonstrate culturally responsive pedagogy and integrate social justice into teaching philosophy.
- Identify the ethics and responsibilities necessary to obtain a professional license in the teaching field and clarify career confirmation.
Complete a minimum of 90 credit hours with specific courses identified by Oregon universities to meet requirements for a bachelors in education with a teaching license. ED courses must be completed with a grade of B or better. All other courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. One course with an (IL) Information Literacy and a (CL) Cultural Literacy indicator must be completed These must include the following: Foundational Requirements
(A minimum of eight credits of college-transfer writing courses.) Eight credits minimum Math
(A minimum of three courses for which MTH 095 is a prerequisite.) Three courses minimum Oral Communication
(One course in the fundamentals of speech or communication.) One course minimum Physical Education or Health
(One or more courses totaling at least three credits) 3 credits minimum Arts and Letters
(Three courses chosen from two or more disciplines. All foreign languages are considered one discipline. ASL is considered a world language.) Three courses minimum And One Course From the Following:
200-level world language recommended - ART 101 Understanding Art Credits: 4 (CL)
- ART 116 Basic Design: Color Credits: 4
- ART 117 3D Design: Construct and Recycle Credits: 4
- ART 120 Digital Media Time Design Credits: 4
- ART 121 Introduction to Digital Arts Credits: 4
- ART 201 Introduction to the Arts of East Asia Credits: 4
- ART 204 Introduction to Art History: 40,000 BCE to 726 CE Credits: 4
- ART 205 Introduction to Art History: 500-1789 CE Credits: 4
- ART 206 Introduction to Art History: Neo-Classicism to Twentieth Century Credits: 4
- ART 207 Graphic Design Literacy Credits: 4 (CL)
- ART 221 Graphic Design 1: Icons and Symbols Credits: 4
- ART 222 Graphic Design 2: Logo Design Credits: 4
- ART 223 Graphic Design 3 - Package Design Credits: 4
- ART 224 Type Design 1 Credits: 4
- ART 225 Type Design 2 Credits: 4
- ART 234 Figure Drawing Credits: 4
- ART 237 Photo Illustration Credits: 4
- ART 238 Introduction to Illustration Credits: 3
- ART 240 Advanced Digital Illustration Credits: 3
- ART 258 Introduction to Ceramics Credits: 4
- ART 265 Photography 1 Credits: 4
- ART 281 Painting 1 Credits: 4
- ART 291 Beginning Sculpture Credits: 4
- ASL 211 American Sign Language 4 Credits: 4
- ASL 212 American Sign Language 5 Credits: 4
- ASL 213 American Sign Language 6 Credits: 4
- CHN 201 Second Year Chinese Term 1 Credits: 4
- CHN 202 Second Year Chinese Term 2 Credits: 4
- CHN 203 Second Year Chinese Term 3 Credits: 4
- COMM 100Z Introduction to Communication Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 105 Listening and Critical Thinking Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 112 Persuasive Speaking Credits: 4
- COMM 115 Intercultural Communication Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 130 Business and Professional Speaking Credits: 4
- COMM 212 Media, Communication, and Society Credits: 4
- COMM 218Z Interpersonal Communication Credits: 4
- COMM 219 Team Communication and Leadership Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 227 Nonverbal Communication Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 237 Communication and Gender Credits: 4 (CL)
- COMM 260 Conflict and Communication Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 100 Literature Appreciation Credits: 4
- ENG 107 Introduction to World Literature: The Ancient World Through the Middle Ages Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 108 Introduction to World Literature: The Renaissance Through the Romantic Revolt 1450-1850 Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 109 Introduction to World Literature: 1850 to the Present Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 201 Introduction to Shakespeare: 1587-1600 Credits: 4
- ENG 202 Introduction to Shakespeare: 1600-1616 Credits: 4
- ENG 204 Survey of English Literature: Beowulf to Milton Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 205 Survey of English Literature: Restoration to Romantics Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 206 Survey of English Literature: Victorian to Postcolonial Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 216 Comic Books as Literature Credits: 4
- ENG 220 Introduction to Literature for Children and Young Adults Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 250 Introduction to Mythology and Folklore Credits: 4
- ENG 253 Survey of American Literature Through 1865 Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 254 Survey of American Literature: 1865 to Present Credits: 4 (CL)
- ENG 260 Introduction to Women Writers Credits: 4
- ENG 261 Introduction to Science Fiction Credits: 4
- ENG 269 Environmental Literature Credits: 4 (CL)
- FA 255 Understanding Movies: Film Styles Credits: 4
- FA 256 Understanding Movies: Great Film Directors Credits: 4
- FA 257 Understanding Movies: Themes & Genres Credits: 4
- FR 201 Second Year French, Term 1 Credits: 4
- FR 202 Second Year French, Term 2 Credits: 4
- FR 203 Second Year French, Term 3 Credits: 4
- HUM 106 British Life and Culture Credits: 3
- HUM 120 International Community Development in Action Credits: 4 (CL)
- HUM 220 Resisting Empire: Latin American Revolutions Credits: 3 (CL)
- HUM 225 Effective International Development: Theory to Practice Credits: 4 (CL)
- JNL 224 Introduction to Mass Communications Credits: 3
- JPN 201 Second Year Japanese, Term 1 Credits: 4
- JPN 202 Second Year Japanese, Term 2 Credits: 4
- JPN 203 Second Year Japanese, Term 3 Credits: 4
- LING 210 Introduction to Linguistics Credits: 4
- MUS 111 Music Theory 1 Credits: 3
- MUS 112 Music Theory 2 Credits: 3
- MUS 113 Music Theory 3 Credits: 3
- MUS 161 Music Appreciation Credits: 3
- PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 4
- PHL 203 Ethics Credits: 4
- PHL 204 Critical Thinking and Logic Credits: 4
- PHL 205 Biomedical Ethics Credits: 4 (CL)
- PHL 206 Faith and Reason: Philosophy of Religion Credits: 4 (CL)
- REL 160 World Religions Credits: 4 (CL)
- REL 201 Asian Religions Credits: 4
- REL 202 Middle Eastern Religions Credits: 4
- REL 203 Religion in U.S. Culture Credits: 4 (CL)
- RUS 201 Second Year Russian, Term 1 Credits: 4
- RUS 202 Second Year Russian, Term 2 Credits: 4
- RUS 203 Second Year Russian, Term 3 Credits: 4
- SPN 201 Second Year Spanish, Term 1 Credits: 4
- SPN 202 Second Year Spanish, Term 2 Credits: 4
- SPN 203 Second Year Spanish, Term 3 Credits: 4
- SPN 214 Heritage Spanish 1 Credits: 4
- SPN 215 Heritage Spanish 2 Credits: 4
- SPN 216 Heritage Spanish 3 Credits: 4
- WR 240 Creative Nonfiction Credits: 4
- WR 241 Fiction Credits: 4
- WR 242 Poetry Credits: 4
- WR 243 Playwriting Credits: 4
- WR 244 Advanced Fiction Credits: 4
- WR 250 Writing for Children Credits: 4
- WR 262 Screenwriting: Feature Films Credits: 4
Social Sciences
(Four classes chosen each from ATH, HST, PS, and PSY courses.) Four courses minimum Science/Math/Computer Science
Three courses minimum Education Courses
Five courses minimum Electives and/or University-Specific Prerequisites
Complete additional courses to bring the total number of credits to 90. A maximum of 12 credit hours in career and technical education courses may be included with the exception of the following: BT 104 , BT 105 . Courses must be 100 level or higher. Recommended
Recommended courses depend on choice of transfer institution. See an advisor. Notes:
- Earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or above.
- Complete a minimum of 24 credits at Chemeketa.
- Two terms of the same college-level foreign language, with a grade of “C-” or better, are required for admission to Oregon University System schools. This requirement applies only to students graduating from high school in 1997 or later. This requirement may also be met by completing two years of the same foreign language at the high school level. This is not a requirement for earning the Associate of Arts degree.
- Any student having the AAOT Elementary ED degree recognized on an official college transcript will have meet the lower division General Education requirements of baccalaureate degree programs at any institution in the Oregon University System.
- Students transferring under this agreement will have junior status for registration purposes. Course, class standing, or GPA requirements for specific majors, departments, or schools are not necessarily satisfied by an ASOT-Elementary ED degree.
- GPA admission requirements for the OUS schools are not necessarily satisfied with an AAOT Elementary ED degree. Please contact your school of choice for specific requirements.
- To learn more about general education courses and their outcomes, see General Education .
- Courses with the (IL) indicator fulfill the Information Literacy requirement for the AAOT Elementary ED. A minimum of 1 course fulfills this requirement.
- Course with the (CL) indicator fulfill the Cultural Literacy requirement for the AAOT Elementary ED. A minimum of 1 course fulfills this requirement.
- Electives should be taken to meet the requirements of your transfer institution. See your advisor for assistance.