Mar 13, 2025  
Catalog 2023-2024 
Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Associate of Science/Oregon Transfer Degree in Computer Science (ASOT-CS)


Complete a minimum of 90 credit hours. Computer Science-specific courses must be completed with a grade of C or better; all other courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. One course with an (IL) Information Literacy and a (CL) Cultural Literacy indicator must be completed. These must include the following:

Foundational Requirements


(A minimum of eight credits.) 


(A minimum of two courses. Most universities will expect additional math courses. Consult with an advisor to confirm you are taking the appropriate math courses.) 

Oral Communication

(A minimum of one course. COMM 111Z  recommended by most schools. Consult with an advisor to confirm that you are taking the appropriate course.) 

One or More Courses Totaling at Least Three Credits

(A minimum of three credits.)

  • Any PE 185 course (one credit each);
  • any HE or HPE course (three credits each).

Discipline Studies

Arts and Letters

(A minimum of three courses chosen from two or more disciplines. All foreign languages are considered one discipline. ASL is considered a foreign language. The course used to meet the Oral Communication requirement above may not be used to fulfill this requirement.) 

Social Sciences

(A minimum of four courses chosen from two or more disciplines.) 

Sciences/Math/Computer Science

(A minimum of four courses chosen from two or more disciplines, including at least three laboratory courses in biological or physical science.) 

Choose Three Courses From:

Computer Science-Specific Requirements

(A minimum of four courses. Most universities will expect additional computer science courses. Consult with an advisor to confirm you are taking the appropriate courses.) 

Electives and/or University-Specific Prerequisites

(Complete additional courses to bring the total number of credits to 90. A maximum of 12 credit hours in career and technical education courses may be included with the exception of the following: BT 104 BT 105 . Courses must be 100 level or higher.) Recommended courses depend on choice of transfer institution. See an advisor.


  1. Earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or above.
  2. Complete a minimum of 24 credits at Chemeketa.
  3. Two terms of the same college-level foreign language, with a grade of “C-” or better, are required for admission to Oregon University System schools. This requirement applies only to students graduating from high school in 1997 or later. This requirement may also be met by completing two years of the same foreign language at the high school level. This is not a requirement for earning the Associate of Arts degree.
  4. Any student having the ASOT-Computer Science degree recognized on an official college transcript will have met the lower division General Education requirements of baccalaureate degree programs at any institution in the Oregon University System.
  5. Students transferring under this agreement will have junior status for registration purposes. Course, class standing, or GPA requirements forspecific majors, departments, or schools are not necessarily satisfied by an ASOT-Computer Science degree.
  6. GPA admission requirements for the OUS schools are not necessarily satisfied with an ASOT-Computer Science degree. Please contact your school of choice for specific requirements.
  7. To learn more about general education courses and their outcomes, see General Education .
  8. Courses with the (IL) indicator fulfill the Information Literacy requirement for the ASOT-Computer Science. A minimum of 1 course fulfills this requirement.
  9. Courses with the (CL) indicator fulfill the Cultural Literacy requirement for the ASOT-Computer Science. A minimum of 1 course fulfills this requirement.
  10. Electives should be taken to meet the requirements of your transfer institution. See your advisor for assistance